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What is the difference between web app and mobile app development?

    People often think that web and native mobile apps are the same, but this couldn't be further from the truth. There are many differences between a mobile app and a web app, not just in how they work for the user but also in how they are built and used. It's important not to get the two mixed up.

    difference between web app and mobile app development

    In this article, you will learn the difference between mobile and web applications and gain insights that will inform your decision to develop one type of app over the other. 

    Web apps vs. Mobile apps 

    Web apps are accessed through an internet browser and can be used on any device. They do not come with a certain system and don't need to be downloaded or set up. Because they are responsive, they look and work a lot like mobile apps, which is where people get confused.

    Web apps vs. Mobile apps

    On the other hand, Mobile apps are made for a specific platform, like iOS for Apple iPhone or Android for a Samsung device. They can be downloaded and installed from an app store and use things like GPS and the camera. Mobile apps live on the device and run on it. Some well-known mobile apps are Facebook Messenger, Google Maps, Snapchat, and Instagram.

    How Are Web Apps built?

    Web apps are usually made with languages like Python, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Web apps do not have a standard software development kit as mobile apps do. But developers can still use templates. Web apps are usually easier and faster to make than mobile apps, but they do not have as many features.

    A single developer or a group of developers led by a software engineer can write the code for a web app. Web apps work by getting information from the user, which is usually done through a web form. This information is sent back to the app server, which runs the requested task and sends the results back to the browser. This can happen on a mobile device or a desktop. 


    • Web apps are much slower than these.

    • Able to work even when not online.

    • Since app stores have to approve the apps first, they are safe to use.

    • Developer tools, interface elements, and SDKs make it easier to build.


    • They cost a lot to build, keep up, and change.

    • Designed for specific platforms, which means starting with the design and development from scratch.

    • Hard for the app store to approve.

    How are mobile apps built?

    Mobile apps are more expensive to make than web apps, and because they are platform-specific, launching the same app on different platforms means starting from scratch in design and development. However, they are much faster and usually have more features and functions.

    Native apps are better than web apps because they can access your device's hardware and other features, such as:



    Address Book,



    When it comes to building, hybrid apps give you more options. You can use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript simultaneously because they are web apps made to look and work like native apps. Because of this, many app developers find it faster and easier to create hybrid apps. Hybrid apps can also use different features of your portable device, but an internet browser runs them while the machine runs native apps. 


    • Web apps can be used with web browsers; they don't need to be downloaded or set up.

    • Easy to keep up with, and it updates itself.

    • Mobile apps are easier to make and cost less money.

    • It doesn't need approval so that it can be implemented quickly.


    • Offline mode is not available.

    • Compared to mobile apps, they are slower and offer less functionality.

    • Unlike mobile apps, they don't have their app store, so you can't be sure of their quality or safety.

    Softcircles is a top web design company in Nashville that works with clients to make websites stand out in their categories. It offers its clients worldwide cutting-edge web design that meets the technical and business needs of many fields. Soft Circles is proud that its company has become a market leader in the IT industry after years of hard work.

    Which one should you choose, a web app or a mobile app?

    To sum up, what has been said so far, native mobile apps are built for the capabilities of a specific device and can run on smartphones and tablets. Web apps can be used through web browsers, and they can be used on any device. Web apps don't have to be installed or downloaded because they aren't made for a specific system or device like native apps.

    The best thing about web apps is that they can adapt to their device. Sometimes, they can even do the same things as mobile apps.

    One difference between these two types of apps is that web apps need to be connected to the Internet to work, while mobile apps can often be used without an Internet connection. Mobile apps are usually faster and more useful than web apps, but users must download updates regularly to keep them working well. Web apps update themselves.

    Comparison Between Web App & Mobile App

    Web App

    Mobile App

    You can set these apps to update themselves or have them do it automatically.

    Maintaining and constantly updating native apps costs more money.

    Web apps do not need approval from the app store, so launching them is easy.

    Getting an app for a native mobile device approved by the App Store is hard.

    Web apps do not come from a specific system and do not need to be downloaded or set up.

    They can be installed and downloaded from app stores like the Apple Store, and the Google Play Store has access to system resources like the camera and  GPS of the device.

    Web apps are accessed through an internet browser and work differently depending on the device you are using to view them.

    Mobile apps are made for a specific platform, such as iOS for the Android or Apple iPhone.

    Web apps need to be connected to the Internet to work.

    Apps for mobile devices can sometimes work even when you're not online.


    It would help if you now had a good idea of how a native alternative for mobile and one for the web are different or you can take the help of digital agency. You should consider how much your app project would cost about your goals, but you should also consider which of the two technologies we discussed is best for your target audience.

    A mobile website and a web app must work hard to keep users interested, just as if native app. Creating apps can be a lot of work at times.

    If you have an idea for an app but do not know whether to make it a mobile app or a web app, you should talk to a Nashville web design company with experience in both.

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