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2022 eCommerce Content Marketing Strategies

ECommerce content marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase brand loyalty while also increasing online sales. Learn how eCommerce content marketing could provide you an edge over your competitors.

When corporate firms with online stores invest in eCommerce content marketing strategies, they typically prioritize paid advertising and social media for quick results. However, when you look at the KPIs that drive true marketing ROI throughout the sales funnel, they all point to eCommerce content marketing.

Furthermore, if we broaden the definition of eCommerce marketing to include SaaS, the possibility skyrockets. Webinars, podcasts, templates, white papers, case studies, and other forms of material can be viewed via this lens. So what is content marketing? Let’s find out!

eCommerce Content Marketing Strategies

What is ECommerce Content Marketing?

In general, eCommerce content marketing is the process of creating and distributing content in a variety of formats to targeted audiences, including published articles, tutorial videos, and infographics, with the aim of generating the most leads, growing your business, and leading more customers to your eCommerce.

Content marketing is a sort of inbound marketing that focuses on driving traffic to your eCommerce site from areas where people are already searching for answers online, such as search engines, video discovery platforms, and social media networks.

The Benefits of Ecommerce Content Marketing

By definition, content marketing is a fantastic match for eCommerce companies of all sizes. It can help both small and big enterprises achieve exceptional outcomes.

Content marketing has been a strategy for marketing that includes the creation and distribution of a variety of content, most often online. Information marketing's objectives are to attract, engage, amuse, educate, and convert prospects via the provision of quality, relevant content. Additionally, effective content marketing enhances consumer loyalty and retention.

The following are a few benefits of eCommerce content marketing.

1. Improves Brand Visibility and Awareness

In the eCommerce world, unless you're selling a one-of-a-kind product, differentiation can be quite difficult. Content strategy can help you stand out. It enables you to showcase your brand identity and attract clients who might not otherwise be loyal to a single brand or product.

Red Bull is an excellent example. Indeed, many would claim that it tastes fairly terrible. They have, however, established a protective moat around their brand by continuous SEO content marketing, primarily in video.

2. Improves SEO Performance

When it comes to search engine optimization, content marketing for eCommerce sites provides a significant benefit, especially in SEO.

When you generate and optimize high-value content around relevant keywords on a consistent basis, you attract organic search traffic that you would normally have to pay for through advertising. And, given the higher ROI of SEO vs PPC, this leads to enormous savings.

Furthermore, a well-executed SEO content marketing strategy generates compounding organic traffic over time, resulting in additional consumers and increased revenue. In contrast, if you cease buying ads in paid media, your traffic will drop to zero.

The advantages of SEO content marketing extend beyond search engine rankings, traffic, and cost savings. Users that come from the organic traffic tend to be more loyal, and engage more time on websites, often leading to a greater lifetime value.  

3. Improves the Rate of Engagement

With so many options, building brand loyalty is becoming increasingly challenging. According to one retail customer experience research, 65% of consumers abandoned a brand they were devoted to after having a better experience with another company.

Content marketing enables you to develop your relationship with your audience and increase brand loyalty. By providing excellent content that educates, entertains, or both, you establish a connection with your customers. They anticipate the next piece of material you will publish because it will improve their lives and/or alleviate their pain points.

4. Optimizes Your Conversion Funnel

ECommerce brands frequently separate their content from their eCommerce site and operations. As a result, potential customers face friction during the trip which affects your conversion rate.

The finest content marketing for eCommerce methods, on the other hand, seamlessly guide customers through your conversion funnel until they're ready to buy. Remember that not everyone who visits your website intends to make a purchase. As a result, it is critical to deepen your relationship with your consumer at each brand touchpoint.

B2C marketers, for example, can ask new visitors to become email subscribers in order to receive the latest promotions. In the B2B arena, you might also urge users to download a white paper, read testimonials, or access your most recent case studies and client experiences. These micro-conversions can assist you in moving them down the purchasing funnel.

CTAs should be included for individuals who are ready to shop to entice them to make a purchase. You may consistently guide them to higher and bigger involvement and purchases in this manner.

5. Builds Better Relationships With Your Consumers

Content marketing for eCommerce should span the full customer journey map, from the moment a prospect becomes aware of an issue to the purchase and even retention. Your business may be there every step of the way as a consumer proceeds through the journey by generating content that addresses a specific problem, educates the prospect, or provides essential information.

If your content is limited to product pages (as many online shops do), your customer touchpoints may be limited to the last phases of the customer journey. As a result, large holes open up for your competitors to swoop in and help fulfill your prospective clients' needs during the majority of their buyer journey.

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ECommerce Content Marketing Strategies

You can select the type of content format that will best represent your brand. Of course, it is dependent on the products and the market niche. If you sell sneakers, you generally wouldn't use white papers, but they would work great for medical cosmetics.

Here are some popular forms of content marketing formats: blog, newsletter, magazine, ebook, meme, demo, video, and many more. And here’s a quick suggestion: you can have a dedicated blog with various forms, or you can distribute them around your various pages. You can also repurpose existing content for new channels and formats. Begin with a handful that you're confident you can keep up with in terms of content development, time, and people, and then expand when you feel ready.

1. Write In-Depth Information About Your Products

Product descriptions are an integral part of every eCommerce business. It is used on your website to illustrate to a prospective customer the worth of a product. If done appropriately, it will highlight the product's features and benefits, persuading a prospective consumer to purchase. A product description should clarify how it may assist the consumer in resolving their issue.

An informative product description can influence a sale. Understanding your product's features allows you to accurately and persuasively communicate its benefits. Customers respond positively to in-depth product descriptions on your website. Customers frequently go shopping to find a solution to a problem; this is an excellent opportunity to show why your product is the best for them.

Quick tips on writing product description:

  • When writing product descriptions, it is crucial to select phrases and terms that are pertinent to your target audience and their intended usage. This is a critical issue to consider while creating product descriptions. Would you use the same wording if you were selling a television on Craigslist as if it were to your mother? Almost certainly not. 
  • You will not be able to make every description perfect the first time you write it. You'll need to experiment with different configurations to determine what works best for your website. If you discover a low conversion rate on a product, try changing the description in small increments and measuring the effects.
  • Make sure to provide all of the information that is relevant to the people that are shopping on your website. If you observe an increase in emails inquiring about specific product features, include them in the description. Some customers like more specifics, while others prefer only a limited quantity of information.
  • Don't make your descriptions too convoluted. Make sure they are simple to read and understand for visitors to your website. Check with others to see if they can identify the primary selling aspects in your finalized description.
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2. Write DIY Tips

Demand for your goods is generated by eCommerce content marketing. You may show folks more uses for it so they have additional reasons to buy it.

This is how all recipes, instructions, and repurposing ideas work. These are sometimes much more intriguing, so many buy them just to test them. And if you run a user-generated content campaign every now and then, you'll have plenty of new content to feature and reuse!

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3. Write Informative FAQs

What is the abbreviation FAQ? It is an acronym for frequently asked questions and refers to a page on a website that answers commonly asked customer inquiries quickly. The objective is to make responses brief and succinct so that people can quickly locate information. Rather than "a FAQ," we refer to it as "an eff-ay-cue"...("an eff-ay-cue") (a "fack").

Why should you consider including a frequently asked questions section in your eCommerce content marketing strategy? Here are some compelling reasons:

  • It will help you save time. If you spend a significant amount of time responding to emails or social media inquiries, a FAQ may save you a great deal of time. Additionally, it might assist you in avoiding expensive and time-consuming returns in your online business.
  • It increases website traffic and attracts new clients. Google's mission is to provide answers to queries. You've already done half the work if you format your writing as a Q&A. Even better, if you have a solid answer to a query, you may be included in one of Google's answer boxes or feature snippets, which will increase your traffic significantly.
  • It establishes trust and demonstrates understanding. A well-written FAQ page demonstrates experience. You already know what your clients are thinking, and you have a response for them. It's an excellent method to boost your website's credibility and professionalism.

4. Post Your Milestones in Social Media

Posting on social media on a frequent basis is vital since it keeps your company top-of-mind with customers. When you are memorable, you are more likely to create leads through social media. When we say "frequently," we mean at least once a week. Milestones are defined as critical moments of achievement that reflect your eCommerce's development and growth.

Each business’ milestones will differ, but there are a few major milestones that honor the vital relationships your company has with its legacy, workers, community, and customers.

Here are some milestone ideas you can do:

  • Anniversary Milestones. Commemorating founding anniversaries enables your company to delve deeply into its history and reflect on the long path to success. You may share experiences about the roadblocks you've encountered and the early partnerships that enabled new possibilities to be realized since the company's beginning when times were likely lean and every success was earned.
  • Product and Service Milestones. Whatever business you're in, the products and services your company offers are, on some level, intended to serve people. And when they leave an indelible mark on your industry or the lives of your customers, they become more than just a part of your brand. When you celebrate these anniversaries, you have the opportunity to emphasize how your products and services have continuously been a real help to real people throughout the years.

5. Staff Growth and Employee Anniversary Milestone

All of the sales milestones, territory expansions, and great customer connections would not have occurred if your team had not worked tirelessly. When you celebrate the development of your team or the anniversary of one of your team members, you demonstrate to both them and your customers that your organization values people and recognizes their efforts as the driving force behind your success. Ask questions and create social Media Polls

Many companies use surveys and polls to get vital consumer input while also increasing participation. Their capacity to help your business is typically defined by how regularly – and more importantly – you employ them.

Businesses that largely operate online don't have many chances to personally contact consumers. Surveys and polls may assist since they need client-business engagement. They make individuals feel more involved by enabling them to express themselves or choose the option that best matches their values.

These days, surveys and polls are one of the most efficient ways to obtain data. Any information that improves your service or gives you insight into something new you may pioneer is priceless.

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6. Write and Send Out Email Newsletters

An email newsletter is a sort of marketing email. It offers important news and updates to build awareness of your brand or items among your target audience. It is a low-cost marketing strategy.

Newsletters are vital for advancing your brand's marketing. Our firm sends out weekly emails informing our audience of new advancements and upgrades. We use new approaches that have proved beneficial in grabbing readers' interest and increasing conversion rates.

They help you learn more about your company and the products and services you provide. Advertisements alone won't reach shoppers since they don't grasp your products. They may extend your perspectives and give your audience a better understanding of you. Including useful links and graphic explanations may increase readership.

7. Create Interesting Onboarding Content

It's easy to turn visitors into subscribers. An email registration form and compelling content are required. To transform these subscribers into devoted customers, you'll need to provide additional value. An efficient email onboarding process is one of the first locations where you may surpass their expectations.

When people sign up for your email list, they want to see the value of your goods and services, not simply read about them. However, sending random or promotional emails won't transform your subscribers into advocates.

Steps in a solid onboarding procedure include:

● Start with a confirmation email.

The first step in a good onboarding process is to verify your subscribers' email addresses. Send a quick confirmation message to verify the new subscriber's email.

This is a basic procedure that most subscribers will finish instantly, but others may miss or forget the email. Send a follow-up email to remind any forgetful subscribers about the registration procedure. Having a clear call-to-action in your confirmation emails will assist your audience to authenticate their email address.

● Center content around your call-to-action.

It's important to set objectives with each onboarding email. It's easy to read emails but hard to click on offers without the correct CTA. CTAs pique your subscribers' interest and motivate them to act. To make the ideal CTA, you need to employ the proper language and images.

Instead of focusing on the qualities of your offer, focus on the advantages. At the same time, a picture will help them understand the message and encourage them to click on your material.

8. Be Resourceful and Use Tools to Help With Your Workflow 

At the end of the day, even your happiest employees don’t want to work all day long. So when projects come around that you know will take quite a while to complete, you and your team are probably itching to find ways to save time. Cutting corners on quality is a risky move – instead, try using workflow management tools to streamline your processes, saving hours of a headache searching for status updates or looking for pertinent information.

Workflow management is the process of organizing, assigning, supervising, and finalizing all tasks required for a certain project. If a workflow comprises the steps your team must take to achieve a result, then workflow management comprises the steps needed to make that result the best it can be. Use eCommerce business tools for startups as an example. They are designed to make the workflow simpler by reducing the pain of tediously working on repetitive tasks. 

Market Your Products with Great Content

As we mentioned countless times before, perfecting your eCommerce content marketing is one way to keep your consumers engaged and attract new people. These are not fast and hard rules so you may need to tweak some of these to fit the needs of your business. 

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