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What Makes Content Marketing Important : Value In Businesses

It was over 23 years ago when Bill Gates coined the famous phrase “content is king”. Little argument exists in the current age regarding that as companies with viable content marketing yield greater results compared to brands who do not. Current situation of the online market necessitates businesses to have content marketing strategies.

Content Marketing

Nevertheless, what exactly makes content marketing so important to businesses? Moreover, why should you be choosing content marketing over other promotional methods? Well, we are going to discuss the importance and benefits of content marketing in current age briefly, so let us get right into it.

1. Brand Recognition and Reputation

Whether you are an established business or one struggling with making feasible recognition in the online market, content marketing is the solution for you. Not only does it help build trust with the customers, it can help elevate a brand’s reputation immensely. Considering the quantity of competition in online market, building trust is imperative and content marketing delivers.

According to a study, a little more than 77% people like to know a company with digital content rather than advertisement material. Another study by Wikipedia Page Creation Services suggested that 70% of online audience believed that brands with customized content are bent on making better customer relations and they obliged.

2. Influence On Generating Leads & Conversions

If you keep on searching on reasons why you should incorporate content marketing with your business, then look at some of the stats. One type of those stats are how much leads are caused by content and how does it turn them into conversions. One stat suggested that content marketing provided 6 times better conversion rates compared to other digital marketing aspects, I.E SEM and PPC.
Moreover, study also asserted that after finding references from a blog, more than 60% of American audience went on to make the suggested purchase. Additionally, more than 70% companies reported their before and after incorporating content marketing reports, and it showed immense increase in quality and quantity.

3. Role Of Well-Optimized Content In SEO

If you are looking to pump up your company name in the SEO rankings, then look no further than the most important elements of content marketing.  These includes well-optmized blog for company websites and social media accounts. According to a digital marketing company, creating content proves to be the most effective SEO tool in the market today.

Moreover, business websites with frequent blog posts are indexed 434% more by google compared to those without blogs. Additionally, statistics prove that the more content you have on your website, the more chances you generate of visitors sticking around longer.

4. Cost Effectiveness

Well, if you find a better reason to incorporate content marketing, then let us know. Content is the most efficient and cost-effective promotional solution available in the world today. Not only does it help generate immense number of leads, its ROI capabilities are off the chart (so to speak).

Content marketing charges its employers less than 60% to that of traditional marketing strategies. However, it generates thrice as more leads and turns into the most efficient and effective solution available today.

5. Highlight Your Expertise

If you want to build trust with your clientele, then look no further than content marketing. It gives you a chance to show your expertise through creating unmatched content and addressing facets of your industry that no one is talking about. Not only will that create a viable relationship between you and your consumers, but it will also elevate your reputation among your peers and your industry.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it, some of the reasons why content marketing is important and why you should be considering it. Apart from unmatched cost-effective abilities, content marketing provides a plethora of options to create viable trust with readers. Moreover, how it helps creating online recognition is reason alone why you should be adding it into your marketing arsenal.

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