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7 Tips to Create Perfect Website Navigation

While you are a web designer and SEO expert, you may aware of website navigation and its importance. The website navigation helps the website owner to increase conversion, sales or complete other goals. So it would be a vital point the website to be created with simple and user-friendly navigation structure.

Website Nevigation

For your understanding, navigation works the same as a city map. Like, when visitors visit the unfamiliar city or country, they used to choose a short route or alternative place over a map. So, in all the way map help to choose the best ways according to users need. And all the process of finding, map guides them. The same occurrence is applying on the website. When user visiting they have the same mindset, they may be the purchase or get services or complete other goals over your website. It is your responsibility to guide the user from the entrance to exit by creating the best user-friendly website navigation.


1.   Clear Your Website Goal:

There are different kinds of websites available such as e-commerce, services based website, personal website. These all have different goals to complete. So when you are creating a new website, it is necessary to first define the goal and then choose your navigation according to the conversion.

For example: if you have an e-commerce business, there might be the goal of sales. So when you have shopping goal, you have to setup navigation that helps customers in buying. You have to do setup products in the related category, setup popular products in the menu, display privacy policy and terms and condition where user easily read.


2.   Customize Responsive Navigation:

Today, in the growth of smart phones, mobile usage has been increased, so it is vital to stand in the mobile application accurately in order to serve better. As you know there is different customization for the mobile screen, you have to create a different navigation menu for the mobile user that will be easily navigable and accessible


3.   Choose User Friendly Text:

In the website, the text speaks behalf of you. Same text rules apply in navigation. So you have to arrange a text that speaks itself. You have to give the text that customers can understand and click without hesitant.
Suppose when you have an e-commerce business, you can use “View your cart” on the navigation, instead of trying other confusing words. Also, If you have services based website or real estate website then you can use navigation text ‘contact us’ instead of trying other confusing words. So the customer can easily get a word,


4.   Choose the Right Place:

It would be important to make the right place for navigation because in the current busy times most users do not have enough time to spend. So everything should be well managed on the website. So you have to make some important links on header and footer so users can easily get that, also you can use sidebar better show information. 

For Example, if you have a website where customers can contact, then you have to add contact us link in the menu section, so they easily contact you, instead of getting in confusing.


5.   Customize Header and Footer:

As we know usually each website contain header and footer, so in the header section we can include pages that customers are more visiting or important for them; like homepage, about us or contact us page link. In the footer section, also important to set up some secondary pages that customers can visit such as terms and condition, privacy policy, FAQ and more.


6.   Use call to action:

When you have a website, it is important to make a perfect call to action to increase conversion or something benefited you. You have to set perfect call to action where customers want and changes are increased to complete your goal.
There is a different call to action depends on websites such as signup, purchase, email subscribers and more. So you have defined in a way that you can easily get the call to action.


7.   Analysis make you better:

It is not important only to make navigation, but it is also important to do some analysis and find pages who customers visiting and products and services in which customers are more interested. There are several tools to do an analysis of your website, in which one of the best tools is Google analytics, where you can check top visited pages, clicks. And after analysis, you can make high priority pages at the important place of your websites such as header and footer.


Here I have mentioned top navigation tips that help to optimize navigation of your website in the best way. Although navigation is different from website to website, so to get an idea of perfect navigation structure you have to competitor analysis, then after you will get a perfect idea of your business. And if you fail to do so then you can hire reputed web Design Company like GoingIT that offers web design in Melbourne.

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