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The Creation of Videos for Corporate Commercials

In a historical moment in which dynamism, even on the web, is one of the most requested skills. Showing your business, product, or service through the creation of a corporate video is undoubtedly an excellent tool if well used because it can ensure a fast, immediate, and impactful communication.

From this point of view, Youtube video advertisements are a clear example of what can be done by creating a low-cost commercial, but at the same time targeted the real interests of users. In this article, we see very briefly what are the main types of corporate videos, and how to make corporate videos of a well-structured marketing plan.

Creation of corporate videos, the types:

  • Company presentation video
  • Product/service presentation video
  • Corporate spot
  • Video tutorial

How to make corporate videos?

The creation of corporate video content is usually divided into three macro-phases:

The pre-production phase, characterized by the search for funding and personnel for the creation of the work which also includes the script, the casting, the selection of the crew for filming and choosing locations;

The actual production phase, in which the filming takes place according to a pre-established program and script; 

And finally, the video post-production phase in which the "shot" is "edited", integrated, optimized and "packaged" with the audio parts and the titles.

When creating a cooperate video, one of the most delicate, but at the same time, creative phases is certainly that of video editing. For this reason, companies that find themselves in need to create a video montage for commercials must necessarily turn to a videomaker or an expert editor who is able not only to perform the classic "cut and sew" work technically but to interpret and " make live "the images. It is, therefore, a complex and non-trivial work that cannot be separated from a series of specific knowledge capable of transforming a simple sequence of images into a real advertising spot.

We want to suggest a video tool that can be very useful for creating corporate content for the web. It is the FlexClip video maker, which helps you generate fascinating and visually striking videos, ideal for high-level marketing campaigns. With it, You can choose from a wide range of live-action and photos or use a default model and customize it to your liking in a few minutes.

FlexClip video maker allows you to start from a solid background that ranges from the creation of content to editing, from the choice of the most graphic captivating to the inclusion of a soundtrack that accompanies people during the viewing.  Anyway, thanks to FlexClip video maker, you will be able to communicate your core business more effectively, clearly, and concisely, as well as the range of products and services offered to the public.

In conclusion

From our point of view, it is essential to start thinking about a web marketing strategy for your brand that also includes the creation of online promotional videos. Network technologies today allow to personalize the advertising message as much as possible and, at the same time, increase its level of pervasiveness and effectiveness. Why not take advantage of it?

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