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Why You Need To Use Google Search Console

The free tool from Google, Google Search Console, is all you need to track the performance of your website at no cost. From search traffic to the technical status of your website, traffic and search appearance and other resources will help you improve your online visibility. We give you the top five reasons why you should use the Google Search Console.

-      Track the SEO performance: Search engine optimization is among the first things one needs to get in order to get your online business growing. Often you hire the best agency to perform SEO on your website. But it is good to get most of the information at your desk anytime. This is possible with the Search Analytics tool in the GSC. It is used by anyone who wants detailed information related to SEO.

-       Integration with Google Analytics: Analytics tool gives you an insight into the queries against keywords on your website. When you integrate this with search console you will get a full view of how and why the keywords work or don’t work for your business. If you want to notch up your brands marketing efforts without spending money, it is time to integrate these 2 tools for more such benefits.

-       Indexing your website: If you want every page of your website to be accepted by Google and get displayed when people look for relevant search queries, then site crawling is the only tool that can help you. With options like crawl errors, crawl stats, sitemaps, URL parameters, robots.txt tester, this feature can tell you everything that needs to be fixed on your website so that Google can crawl completely through your website. It gives you the data for the last 90 days.

-        Track Content marketing campaigns: Content Keywords report gives you the insight needed to keep the content updated on your website. If you run content marketing campaigns regularly, this tool can help you assess the success of the campaigns at every step. When you look at the reports, you can clearly see the contradictions with your keyword list. It can also give you an idea if you need to redo the existing content on the website.

-       Compatibility on mobile devices: Websites that are compatible with all mobile devices, has improved and higher rankings on Google. The Mobile Usability report will let you know how well your website is mobile compatible and let you know where improvement is needed.

Here is the details infographic of SEO

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