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Why Keyword Research Is Still a Crucial Part of SEO?

Keyword research is still a key component of an SEO strategy because people still use words, phrases, or unique search terms to find a business or product or whatever then need. If your business is not promoted online using the right keywords, how can you expect the prospects or potential customers to find you in the sea of companies out there?

Keyword Research In SEO

In most cases where keyword research is not part of SEO, we get it completely wrong and end up promoting the business through keywords not in vogue. So, this almost always leads to loss of prospects and your conversion rates too are bound to affect in a negative manner.

Since search engines still place a lot of emphasis on keywords, it would be a wrong strategy to not use them in your SEO. That’s why you should think twice, and even more, before ditching keyword research from your optimization efforts.

Keywords Research

Here are 3 major aspects that define why keyword research should always be part of your SEO - 

1. Keyword research helps you choose right keywords for the business    
If keyword research is not part of your SEO, chances are you might end use placing the bet on the wrong keywords for your business. If proper research is not done – which is always the first step any optimization task - you could be putting your business on the wrong track altogether, at least in search engines. 
When keyword research is not done, you may choose keywords with low search volume or with incorrect usage. In both cases, you may miss out on people searching for your business or product or services and this is always bad from growth point of view. Lack of keyword research means you will also not be able to analyze completion and utility of search terms for the niche.

2.  Keyword research will give information about your pages 

Each page in your website will be unique in own ways. You can use specific keywords for each of the pages and help the site achieve higher SERPs and better visibility. Without keyword research, it is never possible to find relevant and top-performing terms, phrases and words for any web page. Plus, it’s the keywords that tell search engines everything about web pages.  
Whether you rely on on-page or off-page SEO or both, keyword research will continue to be part of the mix to support your optimization efforts.  With in-depth and proper research, you can easily add value to each of your web pages and force search engines to assign due value in return. That’s why keyword research holds so much value in search engine optimization.   
3. Keyword research is vital to making your web pages perform better in search engines 

It’s possible to optimize a single web page for many keywords and boost its ranking prospects in search engines. This very concept – keyword clustering – is gaining a lot of traction in the industry as more and more businesses look to benefit from it to gain better visibility on the web.  The important thing, keyword clustering is not possible without keyword research.

With keyword research, it’s possible to know relevant keywords and club them into core groups and then optimize the site around them. Without research, it is never possible to identify keywords and search terms around which to base the content and boost interest, visitors to the site.

Clearly, keywords have a big role to play in determining online success and visibility of your website. And for that reason it always makes sense to hire the services of a top SEO company India and realize your site’s true potential.

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