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AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering: How to Automatically Optimize Your Storage


    Companies have always needed to store and manage data, but today’s businesses deal with incredible volumes of it. One of the most critical elements of a well-architected application is storage. With the advent of cloud technology, this data can be stored in a number of different ways. For objects stored in Amazon S3, there are several ways you can optimize your storage costs. 

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers one such solution with its Simple Storage Service (S3). S3 provides key services for storing data on the AWS Cloud platform. One particular offering from S3 is S3 Intelligent-Tiering, which helps users automatically optimize their storage for costs that are always changing and unpredictable workloads. Here's what you need to know about AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering and how it could be useful for your business.

    AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering

    AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering

    AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering is a storage class for objects stored in Amazon S3. Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that provides reliable and low-cost data storage with high scalability.

    With the introduction of AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering, you can enable the automatic placement of objects based on their access frequency and the type of content being accessed to improve both performance and cost-efficiency.

    Intelligent tiering delivers automatic cost savings by moving data to the most cost-effective access tier, without performance impact or operational overhead.

    There's no need to change your application, storage, or data—you just let Amazon S3 do the work for you.

    It's all about the data: intelligent tiering stores your most frequently accessed data in the same region as your other data  so it can be accessed quickly and at low latency. That means you don't have to worry about moving data around or paying for bandwidth between regions. Since intelligent tiering is automated and requires no management on your part, it's easy to use and maintain—you  set it up once, and let AWS  take care of everything else!

    Just like your brain, our data usage patterns follow predictable trends with peaks and valleys.

    During the day, for example, your usage will be highest when you're at work or school. At night? It's likely to be lower. These are the same kinds of patterns that you might see in something like a neural network — which is a fancy way of saying that they're organized into different layers or lobes. In this case, our data follows predictable trends with peaks and valleys similar to how our brain works, and what we've observed in other complex systems.

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    The S3 Intelligent Tiering storage class

    The S3 Intelligent Tiering storage class is based on three levels of storage tiers: Frequent Access (which is composed of 2A and 1A Tiers), Infrequent Access (which is composed of 2I and 1I Tiers), and a new Archive Access Tier (AA).

    You can assign your objects to each tier using object lifecycle rules. These rules specify a set of conditions that, when met, will trigger the object to be automatically migrated from one tier to another. For example, if you want certain objects to move from Infrequent Access (2I) into Frequent Access (2A), you can create an Object Lifecycle Rule that looks at the last modified date stamp for each object in this tier. If it's older than five days or so, then it will move these items into a higher-priced storage class.

    Data transitions between the two Frequent Access tiers are free of charge. Data transitions between the two Infrequent Access tiers are free of charge. Data transitions between the two Archive Access tiers are also free of charge.

    S3 Intelligent Tiering can automatically optimize your storage costs by moving your data to the most cost-effective tier, all without impacting performance or requiring operational overhead.

    For example, if you have a data set that is 90% infrequently accessed and 10% frequently accessed, S3 Intelligent Tiering will automatically move the 90% infrequently accessed data from Standard-IA pricing to Reduced Redundancy (Standard) pricing (which is the cheapest option). This means that your overall storage cost is reduced by up to 50%. Additionally, with NoOps automation enabled on this same data set, there’s no need for human intervention or manual change management required as data sets move between tiers.

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    Optimize your data storage through AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering

    Data storage is expensive, so it's important that you store your data in a way that makes sense for the long term.

    AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering is a good way for businesses to save money on their cloud storage costs by automatically moving files from lower-cost storage into higher cost but faster low-latency SSDs and vice versa based on how frequently files are accessed or updated. With AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering, businesses can reduce the amount of time it takes for users to access files because they're not stuck waiting on slower drives when they would have otherwise been able to access them faster due solely because they were stored in faster drives instead - which means more productivity at work!

    AWS S3 Intelligent-Tiering is cost-effective.

    Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering offers a simple and cost-effective solution to managing your data storage. It automatically moves data between different storage classes to optimize costs based on the current demand, which means you'll pay as little or as much as you need to at any given time.

    Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering is easy to set up and use, so there's no need for expensive consultants or specialized team members. You can get started right away with just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console (or via API) and start saving money on your Amazon S3 storage.

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    You can save time and money with AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering.

    You can now automatically move data between the Amazon S3 Standard, Standard-Infrequent Access, and Glacier storage classes. This way you only pay for what you need without having to manually transfer files between storage classes. AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering is available in all AWS Regions.


    Not all businesses have the time and resources to deal with the complexity of software and hardware storage solutions.

    AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering simplifies data storage for S3 owners by automatically moving your data to the right type of storage. It’s like a personal storage specialist that is always watching over you.

    Get the most out of your AWS storage costs by using Komprise. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you save money and make more informed decisions about your data management needs.

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