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Xresolver: Guide to xresolver xbox and PlayStation Resolver

    First, you must keep your identity safe, which is a key responsibility when using Xbox and PlayStation. Your gaming identities, such as your username and gamer tags, can be converted to an IP address with the aid of XResolver. 

    It is easier to recall and remember IP addresses than long names, which is another advantage of switching from lengthy user names and game tags to IP addresses in addition to security. 

    To convert titles and tags to IP addresses, use the XResolver utility. You should check out xResolver as soon as possible if you want a free online solution to convert Xbox and PS gamer tags into short digits. In this article, they will delve deeper into xResolver and go over every feature of this online platform.

    What is Xresolver for Xbox and PlayStation?

    The Xbox and PS resolver programs resolver are used to resolve gamer user names and gamer tags. With the help of this tool, users, titles, and domain names are fixed and transformed into IP addresses. There are two advantages to switching gamer tags and usernames to IP addresses. Hackers can also conceal from gamers since they can remember IP addresses more easily than they can name. But the biggest benefit of xResolver is that it guards your data against hackers and other shady characters.


    Features of Xresolver:

    Gamertag and PSN Username resolver: 

    Xbox and PlayStation resolver are available through xResolver. For Xbox, you receive a Gamertag to IP address resolver, and for PlayStation, you receive a username and IP address resolver. Millions of Gamer tags and usernames are stored in xResolve database.

    IP Logger:

    With xResolver IP logger, you can make personalized URLs to send to others to collect their IP addresses. You can obtain IP addresses, Geo IP data, browser, operating system details, and more with these customized links. With xResolver, making a new IP logger is as simple as entering a new moniker, selecting a logger type, and clicking "create new."

    How to properly use the Xresolver tool?

    As they already explained, the website xReslover is an official one that allows you to convert different game tags and names into the shortest IPs format. Their interface is therefore user-friendly, which makes it more straightforward and appealing. It is accessible to everyone and simple to use. The specifics on how to employ the xResolver tool in 2022 are as follows:

    Go to the official website at

    Choose PlayStation or Xbox Resolver

    To transform the Xbox Gamer tag into an IP address, enter it there.

    Alternatively, use the IP address to create the Xbox gamer tag.

    Next, select the Resolve option for further procedure.

    How to blacklist and remove by yourself?

    How to conceal your gaming identifiers or IP addresses was already covered above. Your gamer tags, usernames, and IP addresses will be removed from databases when you ban yourself from the resolver, and nobody will be able to find your IP addresses. By using this technique, Microsoft and Sony's services can be shielded from outside threats or hacking. When you backlist your IPs, you should also take the following additional measures:

    To conceal your precise IP address, a VPN is required.

    If you want to modify your IP address, you must speak with your ISP.

    To prevent your IP address from being included in their database, you must stay away from questionable persons and avoid joining arbitrary gatherings.

    Register process to get full access to Xresolver:

    So, if you have been looking for instructions on signing up and unlocking full access on resolver but haven't come across anything else, don't worry. You must carefully follow the steps below to gain full access to the resolver.

    Enter the official Xresolver website at

    Select Registration from the menu now (Which is already present at the top right corner of the homepage)

    Describe yourself by providing your username and email address.

    Enter the password one more to complete the Password confirmation.

    Once you click the Register button, the task is complete.

    If you are already a member of resolver, you can skip the signup process and click the sign-in option to log in to your account in Xresolver.

    Summing it up:

    You may resolve the Gamertag and username for Xbox and PlayStation using xResolver. It is a crucial tool for preventing hackers from accessing your data. You can go to their websites for clarification if you have any information to contribute regarding xResolver.

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