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6 Ways To Use Your Network for Help When Searching for a New Job


    Searching for a new job can be both exciting and intimidating, but it doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Relying on your network while looking for a new job can make your job search less stressful and often results in much quicker results. Here are six specific ways to use your network to help you find your next job.

    Network for a Job

    1. Let Your Network Know You're Looking for a Job


    The first step to relying on your network for help is to let them know you're looking for a new position. You can reach out to your contacts personally by phone or email and describe your career aspirations. You can post publicly on social media about your job search if you're between jobs. Share information about your skills and experience, and describe what you're looking for in an opportunity. If any of your contacts respond, reach out personally and start a dialogue.

    You'll want to be discreet as you contact your network if you're currently employed. Reach out individually to inform your contacts about your situation, so nobody shares information publicly that might jeopardize your current job.

    2. Attend Networking Events

    Attend networking events to make more personal connections and learn about job openings. Go to professional seminars in your industry to strengthen your knowledge while building relationships in your field. You can also attend conferences or trade shows that are relevant to the job you're seeking. Many industries offer online networking events and virtual groups, which you can use to network while looking for your next position.

    To make networking easier, ask a connection to attend a networking event with you. It can give you more confidence to go with another person, and you can strengthen that connection relationship by doing something professional together.

    3. Schedule a Networking Meeting Every Day

    One-on-one meetings are a great way to build relationships and get support while seeking a new job. You can have breakfast, lunch, or coffee with a contact. Or you can schedule a phone conversation or video conference so you don't have to leave home. The more meetings you have, the more likely you are to find an ideal job opportunity.

    In your meetings, share what you are looking for in a job and ask if they have any leads. Be genuine while you ask for help, and be interested in hearing about their current situation and needs. Ensure the meetings are collaborative, and listen as much as you talk. The most potent and successful networking relationships are mutually beneficial.

    4. Be a Valuable Resource to Your Network

    Look for ways to add value to your network. Offer relevant information to individuals in your network, share your knowledge or experience, or send someone an encouraging message or inspirational quote. You can stay top-of-mind with the people in your network by providing useful resources or assistance to them.

    5. Communicate Consistently With Your Contacts

    Follow up with those you've networked with before to inquire whether they know about new job openings in your field. If contacts share a lead and you act on it, follow up later and let them know how it panned out. Be appreciative of any help and support offered, and act on it to demonstrate your sincerity and commitment to following through. This shows you have character and drive and encourages your contacts to send you more leads as they arise.

    Consider communicating in bulk via social media posts and one-on-one via messages or email. Inform your acquaintances about your actions, progress, and wins. You can also notify them of your struggles, as someone might volunteer to help you. For example, you can make a social media post stating that you're nervous about interviewing and ask somebody to do a practice interview with you. You might be surprised how many people are willing and happy to help you.

    6. Follow Up on Leads and Suggestions

    Take action on the suggestions you receive, even if the advice seems unconventional, since you never know what will work out. For example, you might set up a resume on a job search site like CareerBuilder to get noticed by hiring managers in your field. However, you might also consider applying for a job at a place like CareerBuilder. Working at CareerBuilder allows you to work in a creative, collaborative environment with many opportunities for advancement.

    Your network may be more valuable than you realize. It can pay off to make an effort to nurture your relationships and strengthen your network. You might find that your network is key to discovering unexpected opportunities and making progress in your career.

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