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3 Essential Digital Tools That All Realtors Should Be Using Today

As of late 2021, the real estate market is booming. But unfortunately, it’s not the buyer’s market that lends itself to lower sales prices. Currently, we’re in the unfolding of a seller’s market, where you can list a home for sale on Monday and have 15 offers on the table by the weekend.

But as a real estate professional, you already know how the seller’s market works. So, how do you capitalize and get all that you can while the low-hanging fruit is ripe? 

The answer lies in the digital space, and all of the tools that are available to marketers and real estate professionals today.

Think about it this way: As a real estate professional, your livelihood depends on your ability to guide a buyer into a sale and close the deal as quickly as possible. And by utilizing the digital landscape, you can quicken this process if you know a thing or two.

Digital Tools Realtors Should Use

Social Media Tools

In 2021, if you’re a real estate professional and you’re not on social media, you’re basically living in the Dark Ages. 

Today, in order to be successful in just about any endeavor, you not only need to know how to navigate through the digital landscape, but you also need to know how to use social media to your advantage.

One way you can capitalize on social media (and not spend hours every day posting) is to use automated social media posts, tailored specifically just for realtors.

Posting on social media consistently is the key to making these platforms work for you. But keeping with social media scheduling while showing homes, handling paperwork, and attending meetings to close on homes, takes up quite a lot of time.

If you want to truly capitalize on your time, using automation when it comes to social media marketing is definitely the way to go.

Quality Web Presence 

Not only do you need social media to make it in the online markets, you also need a top-notch web presence for an extra edge

In today’s digital landscape, the buyer’s journey often happens online. As such, you’ll need to be ready when the potential buyers come calling. And the best way to do this is to have a quality website that details you and what you can offer.

You can create a website from scratch these days, all on your own. But to really stand out among the crowd, you’re going to want a professionally designed website that is specific to the real estate business.

For example, a website builder can come with a variety of templates, but many of these “free” designs are less than impressive, and they’re common to many industries. Basically, you don’t want your real estate website to look like every other website online. So going with a professional web designer is the way to go.

Image Editing Software 

If you’ve ever browsed through listings of homes online, you’ve probably seen some photography disasters, which is also one of the biggest web design mistakes you want to avoid at all costs. 

The fact is, some people just don’t know the finer art of composition when it comes to taking appealing photographs. But the good news is, with image editing software, you really don’t have to.

Some homes that you want to list might need a lot of work, but you want to get these homes listed regardless so that your client can sell, and you can collect your commission. In order to get your images up to par and make them attractive, using image editing software can make this possible.

With image editing software, you can adjust lighting in poorly lit spaces, and brighten areas of the images to make them look much more appealing instead of being dull and uninviting.

The real estate business might be booming, but you won’t be able to cash in on this perfect opportunity without learning your way around digital tools. So make sure you’re taking notes and trying out new strategies, because you never know when the market will go under.

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