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How to sell a Website Domain at Huge Profit

    What Do You Think about Website Selling / Domain Selling?

    Have you ever purchased a domain for starting your website but lost interest over time? And now, you’re thinking to sell it out to those who are looking for the same domain. Well, domain selling can be a great way to make money out of your unused domain names. In this article, you will learn about how to sell a website domain name, how to find potential buyers and online sites where you can enlist your valuable domain name for sale.


    Sell Website Domain at Huge Profit

    Step-by-Step Instructions for Domain Selling

    Selling your domain names is a bit lengthy and time-consuming process and you might also not get any bids immediately. Finding bids largely depend on how valuable your domain is and how effectively you market it. However, this process will be different from selling websites. You may approach a professional software development services provider who can help you implement effective marketing strategies for website or domain selling. This article encompasses the process of evaluating and determining the true value of your domain name and selling it for the best price.

    1. Discover the True Value of Your Domain 

    Many people tend to overprice their domain names and then wonder why people are not purchasing them. You need to remember that a domain that you own for a while need not be necessarily having any inherent value. 

    Let’s say for instance:

    • Having a .com domain will have a higher price rather than domain names with any random suffix.

    • Shorter domain names often sell more than ones with a lot of words.

    • Also, easy to spell and remember domain names have higher prices. 

    • Domain names with fewer words (probably one) and that without hyphens will sell for higher prices.

    So, you need to spend enough time researching which domains sell for higher prices. You can make use of the Namebio tool to find what other related domain names have sold for. There are also several other online estimation tools that give you accurate quotes. However, these tools can be used as a general indicator, but not as a standard measure of value.

    2. Determine How to Sell Your Domain

    After understanding the true worth of your domain, you need to start searching for domain buyers. There are numerous ways to find potential buyers for your domain names.

    You can find buyers at some of the best places such as Flippa, eBay, NameJet, Afternic,, etc.

    3. Keep Your Contact Details Public on the WHOIS directory

    Most people don’t prefer to keep their contact information public on online sites. However, when it comes to selling your domain, you need to make your contact details publicly available.

    If your domain name is listed with your contact information in the WHOIS directory, then it will be easier for buyers to contact you who are looking for a domain name to purchase.

    4. Optimize your Domain Listing

    Once you’ve selected the place to sell your domain, you need to then optimize your domain listing. Many sellers simply upload their URLs and that’s all. You can significantly increase the possibilities of selling your domain name by optimizing your listing and making it more attractive. 

    You can also mention in your listing the amount of traffic that is drawn to your site, the age of your domain, any existing authority, and other details. By stating the existing and potential value of your domain, you can justify the price for your domain and attract more domain buyers. 

    5. Receive Payments through Escrow Service

    Using an escrow service is one of the effective ways to protect your domain selling. This keeps you safe from scams or being tricked by potential domain buyers. As a third-party, an escrow service keeps and processes funds in a secure manner. Some of the best-selling sites such as Sedo come with an in-built escrow process to ensure secure transactions on sites. You may need to pay a certain percentage of the final price; however, protecting your domain is more important. 

    6. Transfer Your Domain Name to the New Proprietor

    Lastly, you need to transfer your domain name to the new owner. However, this process will be different based on you you’re going to sell your website. Generally, the process involves the following steps:

    1. Submit the authorization code to initiate the domain transfer process.

    2. Once the transfer is completed, you need to transfer funds through escrow service.

    3. There might be certain restrictions on the time duration for which the escrow holds the fund. So, you need to thoroughly check before you start the domain transfer.

    Domain selling is a time-consuming process, however, this could be potentially rewarding. Here are a few bonus tips that will help you become a pro domain seller.

    12 Pro Tips for Domain Selling at a Huge Profit

    1. Focus more on having local domain names. You can include target keywords in your domain name to gain the top search engine ranking. For example, you can choose names like where Pet Shop Chicago is the target keyword.

    2. Purchase domains with high Page Rank. You can use web scraping to find domain names with higher Page Rank.

    3. Choose a perfect niche to find the right buyer. If you understand a niche well, it will be easier to find and contact potential buyers in your niche. Use your knowledge for better, choose your favorite niche, and explore better domain investing opportunities.

    4. Adopt a long-term strategy to domain selling and keep domains for years or months. It is always better to sell mature domains at higher profits instead of selling domains that are only a few days old at a modest profit.

    5. Opt for alternative top-level domains. Do not hesitate to select excellent domains with unusual TLDs. Every domain extension can bring huge profits to the ideal domain investor. 

    6. Put up a ‘For Sale” notice on your domain name landing page to let your potential buyers know that the domain is for sale.

    7. Publish a Press Release for your potential buyers and companies in your niche to announce that your domain name is available for sale.

    8. Hire an expert domain name broker for faster and reliable domain selling.

    9. Contact potential buyers through phone calls or email.

    10. Use the power of social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to find contacts who might be looking for your domain name.

    11. Immediately respond to inquiries made by buyers regarding the purchase of your domain name. 

    12. Advertise ‘Domain For Sale’ in your niche-specific websites and trade publications.

    Are You Thinking About Selling Your Domain?

    If you’re planning to sell your domain name, then you may use this guide to evaluate your domain names and selling them quickly at a huge profit. You may also use domain flipping strategies to discover how startups, online agencies, and marketers value a domain name and digital presence. 

    Have you sold a domain at the best rate? Do you want to add some more tips to the above list? If yes, then you may share those useful tips in the comments below.

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