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8 Clever Ways to Promote Your Podcast to the World

In the universe reigned by videos and texts, podcasts have today created a planet of their own. As growing number of people are turning into podcast listeners, it has become imperative for the entrepreneurs to start their own podcasts. 

In fact, research shows that podcasts have become one of the most preferred options for marketing these days. The good news is that they can be created and started much easily as compared with the blogs

But with the competition getting steeper and so many podcasts being produced, it is not simple to advertise for them. You can already experience how difficult it is to promote podcasts if you are a podcaster. 

Promote Your Podcast

It is no secret that in today’s marketplace it is quite challenging to capture the attention of the target audience. 

So you need strategic plan for marketing that will help you promote your podcast on different podcast hosting sites and achieve the conversions. Take a look. 

• Be Consistent with Blog Posts and Social Media – You probably already know the value of advanced podcast promotion through social media. This informs fans ahead of time and some of them also may end up sending a link to the friends for sharing with them the info that you will be talking with guests they like or covering a topic they want to learn and more. 
You can promote the podcast with corresponding blog post. If you and your guests mention services, products or websites you should share those resource links in the post you publish for every post. 

• Focus on the Audience – It would have been great if the podcast fascinates all. But that is far from being the case. Refrain from targeting all the listeners. You should instead focus on the ones who can get maximum value from the show. 
Over time, you should take steps for learning as much as you can about your audience. This will enable you to design promotions that find them with the right kind of messaging. 
Take into account everything that you know about your audience. You can refer to that at the time of crafting the marketing copy.

• Release At Least 3 Episodes on the Launch Day – There are podcasters who received negative reviews after the first episode as there was just one episode. 

That is why it is suggested that you publish minimum 3-5 episodes on the day of the launch.  In fact, the more the merrier. 
It is suggested by the team heads that – 

a) You should record and release several podcasts on the launch day. 
b) Build an audience prior to launching the podcasts.

• Submit to iTunes - iTunes has achieved over 1 billion podcast subscriptions. People can search the directory for iTunes podcasts and then opt to listen to the show. 

If you are just beginning with your podcast then create a number of episodes, album artwork, tags and RSS feed. Then visit a validation site like and ensure it says that your feed is valid prior to submitting to iTunes. 

• Focus on Making an SEO-friendly Podcast – For any kind of promotion of content, Search Engine Optimisation is crucial. Therefore optimising the product for search engines enables the fresh listeners to find yours amongst the competitors very easily. You can optimise the podcasts in a variety of ways. And one of the most beneficial ways is transcribing the episode and then get it posted on the blog. Use exciting images, write great lines and develop high-quality content. You can also add a synopsis to the podcast for your audience. This will help you to achieve a good rank in the search engines and promote the podcast in a successful way. 

• Submit Your Podcast to Aggregators and Podcatchers – You will find many apps today that play podcasts. They are interestingly known as the Podcatchers. The most popular one is iOS’ primary podcast app.  It is the one with a microphone picture and the purple icon. 

There are other apps which collect and play podcasts. There are also websites that come with new podcasts and assist with their discovery like the following- 

a) Stitcher 
b) Overcast 
c) Podcast Subreddit
d) Podcast Addict 
e) TuneIn 
f) PodcastLand (If it is in iTunes your Podcast is enlisted here automatically)
g) Castro
h) Bello Collective 
i) Downcast
j) Podcast Republic

In most cases, your podcast is going to work well with any of these especially if yours is already on iTunes. The best bet is trying every app for ensuring a smooth experience for the listeners. 

• Connect with a Feature on Other Famous Podcasts – Everyone knows that if you feature on the famous podcasts, the probability of your popularity gets heightened. For this you have to find those podcasts in the niche that your audience will be interested in. So try to feature in those podcasts after connecting with them.   This is a simple way for your audience to find you out and listen to you. 

Added to that, posting the podcast on another channel also improves cross-guesting opportunities which brings in gainful results for both of you. Furthermore, if both of you promote each other online, both can get benefitted by the broader sharing of content and audience crossover. 

By adding a second podcaster in your realm, you can also keep the production fresh while getting the new ideas for the new segments within the podcast to attract and engage a variety of audience. 

• Arrange for Giveaway Contests – You can market your podcasts intelligently by developing mugs, t-shirts, hats and other souvenirs that are branded with the logo of the podcast.

The items not just assist in advertising your podcast but you can also lure your fans with them. Set up a contest to give them away to the first 10 fans who share your podcast on social media or email you with their reviews. 

The above are just some of the ways in which you can promote your podcast to make an impact. These are suggested by the experts of digital marketing agency in India who know exactly what is needed to create your niche in the industry with podcasts. 

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