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Is Marketing Harder Than Writing?

Over the years, you have gone to school and learned one important skill, which is writing. Other skills like marketing will require you to put in some effort to perfect the art. Putting this into motion you might have asked yourself. Is marketing tougher than writing? We are going to establish the answers to this question and arrive at a conclusion on the same. This will be possible by understanding the essential items that comprise these two concepts. 

Writing as a free product

When you lay writing and marketing side by side, then you know that marketing will cost you more. People are willing to pay more for the unknown results of marketing than the known effects of writing. Writing for a long time has been associated with a passion, a hobby, and as a job by very few. For you to sell your writing, you need marketing. Marketing is costly than writing. 

Marketing as a free product

Unless you are both and a writer and a marketer, then you might need to hire a marketer. Marketing is about the needs of consumers; this means it will take a while to understand what people need. The idea is that you cannot wake up, write, and expect to sell. The best writers have worked on themselves first before surprising us with that blockbuster. If they did not do so, then someone else believed in them and helped them sell their writing. That is why you will have packages in marketing. Someone will say pay more, for more marketing capability and not pay more to read more.

Writing and Marketing Purposes

It is important to understand that whereas writing tells, marketing sells. The whole point of writing has always been to inform, educate, publicize, or entertain. By knowing the things people are dealing with, you could create a book or a blog and help solve their problems. Marketing, on the other side, is about selling. That is why, in marketing, there is the concept of a call to action. This means that every time you market, your target is to make someone buy. Marketing goes beyond just reading what is written but to act upon it. Moreover, for people to see your blog and interact with your content, then you have to use the right marketing tools. Marketing needs excellent writing skills for it to affect the impression of your reader

Writers and Marketers

Writing and marketing require the actions of certain persons for their effectiveness. Whereas writing requires content writers, marketing requires copywriters. Comparing content writers and marketers make it easy to establish the difference between the skills and methods in the success of the two. Content writing requires amazing research skills. A good content writer knows how to research keywords and titles to drive traffic to their websites or pages. The idea is that the audience could end up being a target for marketing. Copywriting requires advertising skills. A good copywriter knows all it needs to make a target consumer buy a product. 

From the above, marketing appears to be a more daunting task than writing given the fact that marketing is directed towards making the reader buy. Writing is, however, a long route to connecting with the reader first before capitalizing on any leverage you might have on your reader. The short route taken makes marketing harder than writing in multiple ways. 

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