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Virtual Reality in Psychology: Effective Ways to Apply This Innovative Therapy


    How can virtual reality be used in psychology? Is therapy with a virtual psychologist useful? Discover the benefits and advantages of virtual reality therapy uses.

    Virtual Reality in Psychology

    Virtual reality in psychology

    For some years now, applications such as Phobious or professional programs such as Psious have made it possible to overcome phobias through virtual reality. The use of virtual reality in psychology is not new. In the United States, it was used effectively to treat emotional problems and disorders presented by some war veterans, whose participation in war conflicts had left significant psychological sequelae in their health. Do you want to know the use of virtual reality in psychology?

    What is virtual reality in psychology?

    Virtual reality in psychology aims to reflect a world that is both immersive and interactive to make therapy as realistic as possible with a patient. Therefore, the success of this 'virtual psychology' implies precisely that this type of therapy is closely linked to whether this digital experience really simulates the world around us well. 

    Thus, several investigations regarding the application of virtual reality in psychology found that these digital copies may seem indistinguishable from those we have in the real world. It was shown that these virtual reality systems could induce physiological and psychological responses in the same way as when facing a similar situation in our day-to-day life. You can find and read essays and research works written by a particular researcher or essay writer for free that describe the effectiveness of using this virtual environment for many cases.

    virtual reality


    What is virtual reality in psychology for?

    There are many psychological cases in which treatment with virtual reality can be very effective. According to psychologists, it is recommended to use virtual reality in psychology for the following cases: 

    👉 1. Phobias and fears

    As we have already mentioned, the program of these types of virtual reality makes it possible to subject the patient to a reality in which he can overcome his fears or phobias. Thus, it is a program intended for subjects suffering from disorders related to dread, especially those involving fear of flying or fear of enclosed or open spaces, as well as certain insects (spiders, snakes...).

    👉 2. Stress

    Virtual reality is also used in cases of stress, complemented with tools such as mindfulness, as it allows patients to overcome those moments of tension and excessive nervousness typical of stress through self-control and relaxation.

    👉 3. Anxiety disorders

    Another application of these types of virtual reality is precisely to treat anxiety. Thanks to the application of virtual reality in psychology, psychologists can teach different methods to deal with this disease. 

    👉 4. Acute and chronic pain

    In many cases, virtual reality has proven effective in learning different resources to cope with acute and chronic pain through our minds and the focus of our attention. 

    👉 5. Addictions

    Virtual reality in psychology is also very effective in providing safe and controlled exposure to the signs related to addictions to any substance. 

    These are some of the applications that virtual reality can have in a consultation. In addition, you should keep in mind that a 'virtual psychologist should always perform this type of treatment', that is, a specialist in this mental health field. 

    Benefits of virtual reality in psychology

    Compared to some of the treatments of 'traditional psychology, ' virtual reality has the following benefits for our mental health. 

    ✔️ More controlled

    As a patient progresses in overcoming their fears or phobias, virtual reality can be adjusted to make the stimulus that creates terror more provocative. In this way, the degree can be controlled, and progress can be made during therapy. 

    ✔️ More practical

    In the real world, exposing people to their most intrinsic fears can be risky. Despite this, thanks to virtual reality in psychology, psychologists can control these situations and make learning to cope with these threats more practical. 

    ✔️ Similar physiological response

    Thanks to virtual reality applied to psychology, people can experience similar to reality. Therefore, you can learn to control and better manage your emotions and sensations by using therapy. 

    These are some of the benefits of virtual reality in psychology. As we have mentioned, these therapies are only effective with the help of a virtual psychologist. 

    How do these therapies work?

    The psychologist works with the patient to create hyper-realistic scenarios that allow the patient to overcome their fears. Program makes possible a complete immersion of the patient, an exposure, in which the heart rate, sweating and breathing that the subject may experience are controlled. The professional regulates the stimuli according to the patient's responses, adding more, moving them away or reducing their presence.

    What is intended with the application of virtual reality in psychology is that the patient can face his fears and overcome them. The aim is for the patient to be able to face them in a real scenario by means of special glasses and to overcome them.

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