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Blockchain in Logistics: A Critical Need for Improvement in 2023


    Logistics is a rich industry, but many logistics companies have lost a major amount of their income due to excessive spending, inefficient methods, and cyber-attacks. Annual losses from stolen, misshipped, and mislabeled cargo total around $50 billion. As a result, such proprietors face a problem in finding strategies to remedy the situation. Thankfully, Blockchain Technology has the potential to be a game changer. 

    Blockchain in Logistics

    This distributed ledger would assist associated parties in meeting demand for a greater variety of items in a more timely and efficient manner, etc. Continue reading this blog to find more about how Blockchain In Logistics has revolutionised this business!

    👉 1. Blockchain in logistics allows for real-time tracking and inventory management.

    Because the Logistics Business encompasses a large number of associated parties as well as goods and commodities, visibility is one of the most difficult difficulties. Only two participants to a specific transaction had visibility in traditional transactions. A wholesale operator, for example, had no idea whether their materials had been shipped to the manufacturer or when the final items would be delivered. 

    When goods transit from one party to another via separate management systems, the data flow can be disrupted. Furthermore, in order to keep track of any data, each party must access a variety of platforms, which is both time-consuming and costly to manage. Fortunately, Blockchain Software Development Company in Dubai provides a viable answer to this challenge by providing end-to-end visibility.

    Blockchain technology, with its chronological arrangement of data, enables for the recording of every step of the order fulfilment or delivery process, and this information can be shared with everyone in the network. 

    That means that real-time tracking is feasible; receivers will estimate delivery time to know when the items will be transported to their destination, while senders will maintain track of the current status, such as route, processing, and storing. To summarise, owing to Blockchain Implementation in the Logistics System, all players can stay up to date on transaction status at any time and from any location.

    👉 2. Blockchain integration in logistics reduces administration costs and prevents counterfeit products.

    There is little doubt that physical paperwork is expensive, difficult to track, and easy to lose, which can lead to significant delays in transit and delivery because information is not easily available. But, when using Blockchain in Logistics, its decentralized nature allows all information and data, such as a consignment note, list, and waybill, to be distributed so that all network users can quickly access it. 

    According to study, the cost of processing and administration accounted for nearly 20% of total transportation costs due to an overreliance on paper transactions. Yet, since the inception of blockchain networks such logistics firms have saved up to $500 billion every year. Many prominent merchants, including Alibaba and Amazon, have already embraced blockchain to improve the efficiency of their cross-border operations.

    Furthermore, because all relevant information and papers are stored in the blockchain network, associated parties may trace the origin of the commodities and check their legitimacy, thereby identifying counterfeit and damaged products. According to WHO figures, about one million people die each year as a result of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Fake drugs account for 1% of drugs in wealthy nations and 10% of drugs worldwide. 

    Another 8.5% of all pharmaceutical products were spoiled due to poor transportation circumstances. But, thanks to Blockchain Technology, anyone may use the network to learn about the product's origin, such as the manufacturer, lot number, expiration date, transit data, and so on. As a result, people would be able to readily determine whether the provided products are genuine or not.

    Smart contracts allow agreements to be automatically validated, signed, and enforced as long as certain conditions inherent in the code are followed, eliminating the need for middlemen and saving this Logistics Business time and brokerage commission. 

    Furthermore, once a document is stored or registered on the distributed ledger, no third party may edit the details. The alteration is only possible if every other blockchain in the system is altered. As a result, the accuracy of all papers is always assured, and transaction transparency can be improved. 

    Blockchain has the potential to decentralize and integrate a large logistics network. When these two characteristics are combined, they have the potential to increase logistics industry automation.

    The Last Wise Words

    It is not an exaggeration to state that Blockchain is the logistics industry's future. This advanced technology would alleviate all of the present challenges, lower expenses, and improve transparency, all of which are impeding the sector's growth. When combined with other digital changes, such as Cloud Logistics, AI and Machine Learning Adoption, the Logistics Industry will undoubtedly reach new heights.

    It is now high time to get in touch with a blockchain development company that can help you design a robust blockchain-based supply chain and logistics solution, streamlining your daily process and increasing your operational efficiency.

    1 comment

    1. Blockchain technology is indeed transforming logistics by providing real-time tracking and enhancing efficiency. A Blockchain Development Company can offer invaluable solutions, reducing losses from inefficiencies and cyber-attacks. By implementing blockchain, logistics firms can achieve greater transparency, lower costs, and improved accuracy, addressing major industry challenges. It's time to embrace blockchain for a streamlined, efficient future in logistics.
