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Hybrid apps: what is it and when they are useful


    You are probably familiar with apps like Gmail, Uber, and Instagram - but did you know they are hybrid apps? This type of app is more common than you might have thought. Its popularity has been growing because, compared to native apps, they are quicker to build, less costly, and work across several operating systems with a single codebase. 

    Granted, native apps are still in the lead, as they offer the best user experience, but hybrid apps have plenty of benefits that come in handy for more and more brands in the current market. 

    Hybrid Apps

    If you want to learn more about hybrid apps, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to get into what a hybrid app is and in which situations they are most useful.

    What Is a Hybrid App?

    A hybrid app, also known as a cross-platform app, is a web app in a native app container. This means that the app combines features from both native apps and web apps. 

    Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, hybrid apps can achieve native performance thanks to cross-platform frameworks. Like native apps, hybrid apps are available on app stores so you can install them on your device, and they can leverage some of the device’s hardware, such as the camera and the calendar. But they run like web apps, as they load most of the data on demand instead of when installing it. Hybrid apps can also work offline, like native ones, but only partially. To get full functionality, you need Internet access. 

    Besides combining two types of apps, hybrid apps do not require an individual codebase for each operating system. In lieu, mobile apps developers can write the code just once, and then reuse it on all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, etc). This is a highly appreciated feature in hybrid apps as it saves time and resources.

    Hybrid apps do comprise an appealing set of advantages. They are easier and quicker to make than native apps, thanks to the possibility of using the same code across different platforms. This not only makes the process less expensive but also makes it easier to expand the business’ reach. Keep in mind, however, that despite being a flexible type of mobile app, you might encounter performance issues in more resource-demanding applications. 

    When Are Hybrid Apps Useful?

    When the time comes to start developing your app, you need to choose what type best fits your vision. Choosing between native and hybrid apps takes consideration, as each offers unique features. 

    Here are some cases in which your project can succeed using a hybrid app.

    ✔️ If You Do Not Mind Having a Few Features Underperforming 

    Reusing the codebase can lead to performance issues. Some features may not work perfectly on every platform. If your project can handle a partially compromised performance at times, then hybrid app development can be a good option. 

    ✔️ If You Need to Develop for Several Platforms at Once 

    Hybrid apps are the best choice for developers who want to get their apps working across multiple platforms. 

    ✔️ If You Are on a Budget

    Native app developers have to write code for each operating system, which comes at a higher cost. If you need to build a mobile app but are on a budget, choose hybrid app development. You can get a good, versatile app without spending as much money. 

    ✔️ If You Do Not Have a Lot of Time 

    Besides requiring a larger investment, native apps also take longer to develop. This is not a viable option for every brand, so hybrid apps are the solution for businesses that want to develop their app in the least amount of time possible. 

    ✔️ If Your App Is Meant for Teamwork

    When we talk about a team, chances are there are a lot of devices with different operating systems. In this case, hybrid apps are valuable because they enable effective business communication through apps that work on any platform. 

    Wrapping Up 

    While it is undeniable that native apps perform better, they demand more resources than hybrid apps, which does not make them viable for everyone. On the other hand, hybrid apps are the best solution if you are on a budget, need your app ready as soon as possible, or want to reach the largest number of platforms available. 

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