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Radically Improve Customer Service with Customer Response Times

    Improving customer service with customer response time

    In today's fast-paced world and with the widespread use of technology, slow response times are no longer justified by customers. Being vigilant and quick to get back to customers is imperative to keep customers loyal and for them to recommend your business. In this article, we will discuss a few ways in which employees and customer representatives at the business front can improve their response times.

    Customer Response Times

    → 1. Setting up an automated response:

    This is one of the ways businesses have now been able to improve their customer satisfaction through rapid response time. An automated text will, in most cases, not fully attend to their needs, but it may direct them towards the information they’re seeking and will buy you time until you can attend to the customer personally.


    → 2. Categorizing customers’ problems into groups:

    The bulk of the problems and complaints you receive from customers can be categorized into broad categories, and each customer representative can then attend to the same kind of problems. This saves time and reduces customer response time. When you tend to become well-versed and experienced with dealing with similar problems repeatedly, you become an expert in that specific category. Consequently, it takes you a shorter period.


    → 3. Sorting complaint tickets by priority:

    Before you can sort customer complaints by priority, you need to decide what some of the factors are that make complaints a priority. Treating every problem or complaint as equal and urgent to attend to is not wise. Some complaints are bound to be more urgent than others, and others will not be as high-priority.


    → 4. Build a self-service knowledge base for a faster response time:

    You'd be surprised how many tickets and incoming customer calls you can avert by building a knowledge base or a FAQs section on the business site. Customers would be happy to search up their respective quires and problems online rather than picking up a phone to talk to a customer representative. The fewer calls you have incoming and the fewer tickets you have piling up, the easier it would be to respond to higher priority issues. The better will be the response time (hence, better customer satisfaction overall).


    → 5. Ensuring your customer service representative team is sufficiently informed:

    The display of a lack of basic knowledge about the service or product the business is offering by the customer service representative will most times lead to the customer having a negative experience. Ensuring that employees at the face of the business or those who are hired for the customer service department are well informed is extremely important for a thriving business and will help improve customer response time. Some knowledge, however, does only come with experience and repeated exposure to different kinds of situations. Nevertheless, a base knowledge about the service and the most frequently encountered problems is vital. 

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