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5 Ways To Do Keyword Research Effectively

Keyword research is one of the most important components of an SEO campaign. While many things go into an SEO strategy, from technical SEO to content writing to link building, their success depends on having the right keywords in place.

Still, many websites use keyword strategies that do not work, and it is one of the reasons why around 94% of all blog posts do not have any external links.

If you do not want your SEO efforts to go to waste, lay a solid foundation for your campaign. Find the right keywords to compete in using the following strategies.    

Keyword Research

Identify Your Business Goals

Before you do anything else, you need to ask yourself what you want to achieve, whether to increase organic traffic, generate leads, or maximise conversion. 

From there, you can decide if you need informational keywords for resource content or commercial keywords for landing pages. These broad keyword types have distinct characteristics that would impact your keyword strategy moving forward.  

Do An Audit

If you already have an existing website, you need to do an audit to understand better what keywords you are targeting and how well you are doing. 

Examine your landing pages and individual URLs to accomplish this. You might also want to try developing keyword metrics.

The information you get from this step will help you avoid targeting keywords you are already competing in, wasting time on already high-traffic pages, or affecting existing pages' performance.    

Generate A List Of Keywords

Once you have a list of keywords that you can skip, it is time to develop a list of new keywords that you do need to focus on. 

An excellent way to start is by coming up with topics you think your target audience would be interested in. Then, you can try finding out what keywords your strongest competitors are using and come up with variations of them. 

Another way to populate your list of keywords is by looking at the “Searches Related to” section of the search results.   

Finally, you can use keyword research tools. It is the easiest way to generate a list of keywords to target. Some examples are Google’s Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword Explorer. 

Prioritise The Keywords On Your List

The next step in your keyword research is to decide which words in your list to prioritise. Finally, export your data into a CSV file and create a spreadsheet that has sorting capabilities. 

From there, you can look for the best combination of metrics – low difficulty, high search volume, and good SERP data. 

Using this approach, you can easily weed out keywords with low search volume or high difficulty scores, which are the ones that would potentially give you the least return on the time and effort that you invest. 

Analyse Your List Of Keywords And Assign Content  

Once you have your shorter list, you can check the SERPs for each keyword and investigate its intent. This will allow you to match the appropriate content that will generate the best results. 

Once you have decided whether you should write a blog or create a landing page, you can start writing the content. 

Find out if supporting topics can add more value to your piece and make it useful to your target audience. It can be done both manually or using an online tool like MarketMuse or Clearscope. 

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