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How to Use Push Notifications to Send Real-time Updates for Better Customer Engagement

Your customer base is busy...and distracted. Life moves fast, and with so many apps, services, products, and solutions out there, it's easy for customers to forget you exist.

Push Notification

Push notifications have excellent engagement rates and offer highly targeted reach. If you do them correctly, push notifications can be a key part of your customer engagement strategy. Here's what you need to know.

Misconceptions About Push

Push notifications come with a lot of misconceptions. Building your push notification strategy requires moving past some of the most common ones. 

They're only for the biggest companies

Big companies do use push notifications for a variety of campaigns, like reminders, onboarding, announcements, and exclusive deals, but smaller companies don't have to lose out. If a customer has opted into your push notifications, that's good news. They want to hear from your organization, no matter the size.

They're spammy

You'll need a data-driven strategy to build your push notification plan. With the right data and permissions, you can deliver real value to customers, send notifications they want to receive, and see higher engagement and retention rates.

They're too difficult to plan and execute without a massive IT team

Luckily, with the right software, you'll be able to access valuable insights from customer data, segment your audience, use geofencing for personalization and targeted announcements, and many other complex tech behaviors without having to know a single thing about coding. 

Gathering push notification data is complicated

Once again, you don't need to know a bit of code to access insights from your data. Part of having a set of tools is being able to gather and process data. Bundling analytics and engagement tools in a single platform makes it much easier to understand and interact with your customers.

Benefits of push notifications

There are so many reasons to build a push notification strategy. They provide excellent engagement in an environment where consumers are bombarded with advertisements, apps, products, and services. Push notifications drive engagement because they:

● Offer direct access: Users must opt in to receive push notifications, providing much more direct access than hoping they'll open an email or stumble upon your social media content.

● Provide real-time notifications: Have a flash sale? Send a push and customers won't miss it. Restocking an item your customer viewed? They'll know about it. 

● Create hype: Push notifications can also help you build hype for events, feature or product launches, special deals — anything you want to build momentum and excitement for. 

● Gather vital data: Open and conversion rates can provide the insights you need to craft even more effective campaigns.

The most important benefit of push notifications? Phones are an integral part of most customers' lives. When you craft personalized strategies for reaching your customers directly through a device they always have with them, it's more engaging, and they're more likely to interact with them.

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Five Ways to Use Push Notifications

Companies are using push notifications to create value and become an integral part of their customers' lives. Here are some excellent examples of what you can do with push notifications.

1. Reminders: Jetblue sends push notifications to remind flyers when it's time to check-in. These notifications help streamline a traditionally frustrating process and give travelers a leg up on the whole process.

2. Nudges: Retail stores sometimes send push notifications reminding customers about items still left in the cart (with a potential incentive if they complete the purchase). This helps customers come back around to a forgotten cart and re-engage with the app as a whole.

3. Make announcements: Not just any announcement, but special restocks, new feature launches, sales, or exclusive perks, these notifications drive engagement by creating real value. They ensure customers don't miss out.

4. Use geo targeting for personalization: Music festivals like Bonnaroo have used push notifications to send updates about traffic and parking, manage safety barriers, and provide information about changes in lineups in a straightforward way. 

5. Data-driven sales and incentives: Using customer data, companies can send personalized incentives and deals based on which products/services those users have interacted with.

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A Word of Caution

To avoid spam, it's vital to offer value with each push notification and watch your campaign data. Users will uninstall or opt-out otherwise. To craft the right push notifications for engagement, keep these things in mind:

 Provide value: Choose only high-value notifications to avoid fatiguing your customers and increasing uninstalls.

Watch the data: Test and craft your notification strategy based closely on the numbers and feedback.

Personalize, personalize, personalize: Use your customers' previous interactions to send high-value notifications that feel less like spam and more like a friend giving a heads up.

Consider other apps: Your customers may also be receiving other notifications. Even push notifications once a day could be too many when there are multiple apps. Again, watch the data and deliver only the highest value announcements or nudges.

Craft the Right Push Notification Strategy

Push notifications are one of the most effective ways to nurture and build relationships with customers. With the right tools for crafting push notifications and automating those messages, you'll drive engagement and build long term relationships with your most valuable customers.

CleverTap’s customer retention solution has a full suite of features, from behavioral analytics and engagement campaigns to customer lifecycle optimization. You can craft strategies for differentiated push notifications, geofencing, and product nudges while using a straightforward dashboard that keeps all the relevant data at your fingertips. 

Learn how CleverTap can help you craft a push notification strategy that engages your customers and nurtures your relationships. Contact CleverTap for a demo and see how easy it is to make data-driven decisions.

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