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Email Archiving: What Really Happens Once You Archive an Email


    Email archiving is a process of safely storing email messages.. Businesses incorporate email backups for essential files, usually for legal purposes. So, what happens when you archive an email?

    Understanding email archiving services and the process can help businesses greatly. Due to the advancements in technology, in this day and age, there are several types of email archives. This means there may be differences in how the various archiving services work.

    Keep reading for a detailed overview of the email archiving process.

    Email Archiving

    Email Archiving Process: What Happens When You Archive an Email?

    When an end-user archives an email, it is removed from their inbox, outbox, etc., and is either sent into a separate folder or if its a third party solution they have their own separate storing options. There are several types of archiving businesses can use for email preservations. 

    Archived emails are usually sorted in a folder under the same name (Archive or All Mail in Gmail). Unlike deleted emails, with archived emails, there is no time constraint. 

    It is vital for businesses to use email archiving to avoid the risk of losing critical data. Among the most secure for businesses is cloud email archiving. The other email archiving options businesses have are on-premise and hybrid email archiving. 

    Businesses can lose critical data in case of a system failure, human error, or a cyber-attack. Without email archiving availability, the data is impossible to retrieve, leading to:

    ● Financial loss

    ● Damaged reputation 

    ● Business disruption

    What's the Difference Between Delete and Archive?

    Although both functions, deleting and archiving, remove email messages from the inbox folder, the difference is that they are not sent to the same folder. 

    When deleting an email, the deleted message goes into the trash folder. Deleted messages are permanently deleted from the trash folder automatically after 30 days. 

    Archived emails make it easy for businesses to retrieve the messages when needed. 

    Types of Email Archiving 

    → Cloud email archiving 

    Cloud email archiving provides businesses with enhanced security measures. Cloud email archiving means a third-party provider hosts the database, which can be accessed online.

    A cloud-based business archiving solution stores a copy of every email.. The secure database is accessible by admins, legal compliance teams, and auditors. 

    Cloud-based email archiving is also a more cost-effective and scalable option for businesses. Some of the benefits of cloud email services are the following:

    ● Unlimited storage capacity 

    ● Pay as you go model (you pay only for what you use)

    ● Data storage across multiple servers 

    ● Reduced management costs

    ● Easier eDiscovery

    → On-premise email archiving 

    Businesses using on-premise email solutions install them on their own servers. These businesses have in-house IT specialists who manage the servers. On-premise email archiving solutions provide businesses with complete control over the archived data. 

    In order to meet specific needs and regulatory requirements, on-premise solutions provide businesses with the ability to customize security settings, access controls, and access storage configurations.

    Despite the management control, on-premise solutions are not without drawbacks. For example, the costs alone are enormous. On-premise email archiving solutions require a high initial investment. 

    After that, there are a multitude of ongoing maintenance costs regarding:

    ● Physical space within a data center

    ● Power consumption

    ● Cooling systems

    ● Hiring additional staff whose expert knowledge is expensive 

    → Hybrid email archiving 

    Businesses that want to use the benefits of both solutions (cloud and on-premise) choose hybrid email archiving. Hybrid email archiving solutions combine elements of both solutions. With this email archiving solution, companies store some of their data in-house and some in the cloud service.


    Email Retention and Storage: Email Archive Migration

    Email archive migration is a specific form of data migration. It is the process of transferring archived email data to another file format, storage location, or archiving solution. 

    Businesses can migrate their archived data for many reasons, such as:

    ● Switching archiving providers for better email retention and storage

    ● To replace a server or a storage device

    ● Upgrade of an existing system

    ● Going from an on-premise to a cloud email archiving

    ● Archives consolidation after a merger or an acquisition

    In general, there are four main categories of data migration.

    → Cloud-to-Cloud migration 

    Cloud migration involves moving email data from one cloud provider to another. Businesses can transfer data from one data center to a different one. For instance, cloud migration can involve moving data from a public to a private cloud. Or it can involve going from an on-premise to a cloud-based solution. 

    Successful data migration requires careful planning and execution. Businesses undergoing data migration must ensure the following:

    ● Minimal disruption – an effective migration strategy ensures there is minimal disruption to end-users operations while improving the security features

    ● Maintaining accessibility – businesses must ensure their employees can access important data even during the migration process

    ● Compliance requirements – migration to a cloud-based solution that ensures the business is compliant with regulations and legal regulations

    → Business process migration (BPM)

    The process of a business moving its critical business-management tools to a new computing environment is known as BPM. Such migration happens due to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and business optimization and reorganization. 

    → Storage migration 

    A business can undertake storage migration when it has an outdated storage system. The storage migration process involves transferring data from one storage device to another.


    Why You Should Use Email Archiving

    Archiving email messages is a good way for businesses to stay organized and on top of things. Whereas for businesses that operate in heavily regulated industries, email archiving is vital. 

    Heavily regulated industries include healthcare, legal services, government, and finance. The most common reasons for businesses using email archiving are the following:

    ● Compliance with regulations – it allows businesses to prove they comply with the industry and legal regulations 

    ● eDiscovery – auditors can quickly search, filter, and export emails with email archiving; this is incredibly useful in the case of internal or external investigations

    ● Internal audits – an email archiving provides an easy way to search data while highlighting who accessed the email data; this makes it easy to search email data during a workplace investigation

    ● Continuity – email archiving on a third-party secure platform allows businesses to have data backup in case of a disaster; data loss can happen due to human error, tech issues, cyber threats, or natural disasters


    So, what happens when you archive an email? An email message, when archived, is safely stored and base on the firm’s retention policies it stays stored until it is needed or deleted. . Email archiving is an excellent way for businesses to stay organized and ensure they comply with industry regulations.

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