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Discount Dos & Don'ts for Small Businesses


    Discounts provide a great opportunity for small businesses to attract new customers and increase sales. They can also be a great way for customers to save money and come back for more. By offering discounts, businesses gain an advantage over their competitors.

    Dos & Don'ts for Small Businesses

    However, it’s important to remember that discounting isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. Small businesses need to be aware of certain dos and don'ts to offer discounts to make the most of this tool for growth.


    ✔️ Research

    It's prudent to look at what your competitors are doing to understand their pricing strategy. For instance, you can check how much is Amazon Prime for seniors, so you can borrow from their strategy and stay competitive. When offering discounts, you should also seek to understand your customer’s preferences and needs. This ensures that you are offering discounts that customers care about.

    ✔️ Strategize

    Once you understand what your customers want, strategize how to offer them the best discounts. This includes choosing a discount amount, duration, and the products or services that will be discounted. Deciding whether you will offer limited-time discounts or recurring discounts is also important.

    ✔️ Be Selective

    Not all products or services should be discounted, especially if they have already been priced to compete with other businesses. Furthermore, discounts can give customers the impression that your product is of low quality, so you must be very selective when offering them. Additionally, consider pricing tiers and decide which ones should be discounted.

    ✔️ Focus On Incremental Growth

    This means you shouldn't be tempted to offer discounts to increase your sales numbers immediately. Instead, focus on introducing new customers or encouraging existing customers to spend more with your business.


    🚫 Rush Decisions

    Take your time when strategizing on the best discounts to offer your customers. You should carefully consider the discount amount, duration, and products or services that are eligible for discounts in order to maximize their potential for growth.

    🚫 Cut Prices Too Deeply 

    Offering too many discounts could end up eroding your profits. Instead, strive to find the balance between attracting more customers and making a profit. When you are starting out, it is better to offer small discounts than deep discounts.

    🚫 Be Unpredictable

    It’s important to be consistent with the discounts you offer in order to build trust with your customers. This means having a well-thought-out strategy and sticking to it. Consider setting a fixed discount percentage that you can use consistently.

    🚫 Ignore the Data

    Discounts can be great for businesses, but only if they are monitored properly. Keep track of the data related to your discounts to determine which discounts are working and adjust those that aren't.

    🚫 Discount Out of Desperation

    It’s important to remain confident in your pricing and marketing strategy, even if it isn't yielding the desired results immediately. Instead of offering discounts out of desperation, take the time to strategize and adjust your approach for the best possible outcome. The key to success is understanding your customers and offering the right discounts for them.

    Final Thoughts

    Discounts are a great way for businesses to attract new customers and increase sales. However, businesses must be aware of the dos and don’ts of offering discounts in order to make the most of this tool for growth. By following these tips, small businesses can maximize their profits while ensuring that customers remain engaged and satisfied.

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