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Why is SEO Important for E-Commerce?

Typically ecommerce businesses operate and are termed successful or not by their ability to get and keep new customers. When it comes to increasing the revenue of an ecommerce business, the traffic that you get from organic search results can be absolutely vital. In the following few passages we will take a look at why this is the case. 

SEO Important for E-Commerce

The Importance of SEO for Ecommerce

1. Increasing brand awareness

Most types of businesses operating in the ecommerce sphere will need search engine optimization in order to get brand awareness that is relatively low-cost. Just getting to be on the first page of the search results or being in Google’s Answer Box can get you a new customer. They might find themselves introduced to your brand and products because of your appearance in those search results. It can also result in a sort of trigger for the new customer and get him/her to remember that they visited your website when they need something relevant to your business. On top of that, a lot of people view the appearance of your website in rankings as a sort of endorsement as this improves the chances of them clicking on a result that is higher in ranking than other products or businesses. 

2. Making Sure The Marketing Funnel Is Filled 

The traditional systems of marketing funnels relies on new customer acquisition. The model is based on the following steps- awareness, interest, desire, and then action. SEO is responsible for playing a very important role when it comes to driving traffic at the stage of awareness. 

SEO, however, can also play a critical role in the other stages of the marketing process as well. As customers go from the awareness stage to the interest stage to the action stage, the intent that is revealed by the use of their keyword choices then moves from an informational stage to a transactional stage. Making sure that the correct intent is targeted at the proper points in your business’s site will highly influence the customer to move to the next stage. This will dramatically increase the chances of conversion. 

3. Elevating content

It will make a lot of sense to advertise keywords that have a high transaction intent. However, the value of the types of content like blog posts, guides for buyers, and also how-to-articles, is not felt immediately.

For these particular types of content, SEO is very helpful. If the content is properly optimized it will substantially help with increasing traffic at a very low cost. All that is required is an understanding of what it is that people actually search for. This will take place in the form of keyword research, the ability to optimize the content, access to the content management system, and also time. 

4. Increasing remarketing audiences

Once the shoppers have landed on your site by the way of organic search (or through some other channels), the paid search team you have can then place cookies in order to conduct remarketing campaigns. You will then be able to show the shoppers display ads after they have left your site and are continuing their journeys. It is just a simple fact that the more people you can drive to your site, the larger will be your remarketing audiences. 

SEO marketing makes a lot of sense when you consider the visits to contents which are located at the top of your funnel. As customers browse the web, they are passively reminded of the fact that your particular brand was able to provide them something that they considered valuable. 

5. Making Sure The Long Tail Is Captured

Just about 15 percent of search queries are brand new- something Google has never ever seen before. These rare search terms are responsible for making up a part of the long tail. This comprises queries that have the ability to individually drive a few searches. However, when you consider the aggregate, it represents about nearly 40 percent of the total amount. It is also true that long-tail keywords are able to convert at a much higher rate than other types of keywords. 

Ecommerce sites are normally able to really make good use of the long-tail searches because of how their websites are typically built. In these cases, the main thing that can really drive up conversions is scalable SEO

6. Improving the experience of the user

When the visitors to your website have a good user experience, then the chances of driving up conversions will increase dramatically. SEO can really help you with understanding the shoppers and thus you can optimize the usability of your site accordingly. This can really, in turn, improve the overall ranking of your website. 

The data derived from keyword research gives us a very detailed glimpse into the desires of the buyer. They generally want something which is the reason why they are searching. Sites that are able to satisfy all the desires of the customers are much more likely to be able to make the sale. 

On top of that, a quality user experience is key when it comes to rankings, and it is especially true for Google rankings. If there are a lot of clicks on your site but the users are then seen returning to the search results, Google will think that your site was not of value to that user. That type of behavior can really result in bad rankings. 

7. Lowering the cost of paid search

One thing that we have to mention is that the content you are optimizing for SEO should also be able to benefit the Google Ads campaigns. This is assuming that you collaborate on these phrases that are responsible for driving value for both paid and organic search. 

If the landing pages you have are optimized, then you will get better Quality Scores, much lower click costs, and also better performance in the organic search results. 

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