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What is the process of scoring well in mathematics in class 10?


    Mathematics is a subject of calculation and logic. According to a survey, 60% of students dislike the subject and find it very hard to understand. But a maths ncert solutions class 10 guidebook can help to cope with your fear of mathematics. Students must start focusing from the beginning of the session to fetch a 90+ score on the board examination. You do not require extraordinary brainpower but appropriate preparation to get the highest marks. Here is some beneficial guidance to enhance your mathematics skills and score well in the board examination.


    ● Understand the syllabus and question format: 

    Students must get acquainted with the pattern of tests and syllabus at the start of the academic period. You will get familiar with the question format, like the number of large answering, brief answering, and MCQs. Also, will give you an idea of the allocation of marks that can help to strategize your study plan accordingly. You should know about the entire syllabus that you will learn in 10th standard. To get a higher score, it is necessary to finish the whole syllabus in the middle of the session, to get sufficient time for practice. It is really important to understand them.

    ● Separate ledger for mathematical formulas: 

    All the formulas should be copied into a separate notebook, so the students can find them in no time. They can also write down the formulas on small sticky notes and paste them on walls. It will help them to revise the formulas regularly.

    ● Make a timetable: 

    The students must maintain a schedule to utilize their time adequately. A schedule will help a student to organize his/her whole day more productively so that he/she can put equal effort into every subject. Organize your everyday schedule and strive for finishing all the assigned work.

    ● Solve mathematical questions of past years: 

    Solving the 10th standards maths papers from the last five years will aid you to recognize the vital topics that need special attention. Also, you must follow NCERT solutions, it helps to develop gradual answering skills. If the ultimate answer is not correct due to any calculation error, still you will get marks for the steps. In final examinations, marks are allotted for every right step. Moreover, it is important to track your timings of problem-solving. Try to finish it in the allowed time and you do not run out of time in the main exam hall. After working out all the maths questions, scrutinize them by yourself and identify where you require improvement.

    ● Practice & revision: 

    Practice is the way to improvement. You must never compromise in practice. Repetition of practice can improve your mathematical growth. Revising the syllabus will help them to remember their learned concepts of class 10th mathematics. They must revise a minimum of 3-4 times and give extra attention to the high-weightage topics. Students should not resolve the same questions, they must go for different math problems to increase their confidence. It will provide advantages in the main exam.

    ● Have a break: 

    Students find board exams the most difficult ones and especially for mathematics. They feel nervous and anxious during this time and try to study hard without having a break, and end up being sick and unwell. You must not be stressed at this moment as it can affect you mentally and physically. When examinees strive to sit in one spot to pay attention to their studies for a long time, it gets difficult for them to stay focused that moment. Hence, you are advised to have short leaves during the motion study. Do not stay awake to study at night. Must not endeavour to learn any new concept right ahead of exam day. Have faith in yourself, do not panic, and stay calm and relaxed.

    ● Keep your answer sheet clean and tidy: 

    Finally, the exam has arrived and your preparations will pay off in the examination hall. Your answer sheet will represent your hard work. Put your details carefully on the answer sheet. Read the questions properly and start with the easy one. Do not get overconfident, if you get common questions. Students make silly mistakes in overconfidence. If the paper is hard, do not panic, stay calm and try to concentrate and solve. You must put down the answers stepwise. Students should keep their answer sheets clean and clear. You should use the correct approach for writing the right answers and completing them on time.


    Board examinations take part in a crucial role in the life of students and having stress and fear at this moment is normal. Your hard work will aid you to pass the math examination. For better preparation, examinees must know the proper way of decoding the problems. The ncert solutions for class 10 maths chapter 1 - chapter 15 can provide students with better guidance. You can even enrol for online coaching from Infinity Learn for the best preparation.

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