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Are you wondering why successful CEOs prioritise web design these days? Here are your answers

    If you own a business or plan on a startup, know that having a website is paramount in the digitalized era we live in, and it must be well designed to gain the interest of potential customers. The visual design and layout of your business webpage are just as important as the quality of your products or services, so you shouldn't neglect any of these aspects.

    Imagine a friend recommends a t-shirt you fall in love with but it’s sold by a brand with a poorly designed webpage. It makes you question its reliability. Still, you've seen a decent shirt on another site that’s better developed, so you might be wondering which one uses more qualitative fabrics, considering the one you like the most is sold on a site that looks shady and underdeveloped. 

    It’s natural for customers to have second thoughts when liking something from bad-looking websites. Visual design influences our perceptions and expectations about products. It creates a frame and highlights the crucial elements to grab people's attention. It delivers your idea faster and impacts the first impression your products or services leave on customers.

    If you feel like there are aspects to your webpage that take a toll on your website visitors' experience, it might be time you took advice from a web designer. Keep reading to see if the layout of your page could use some improvement and how successful businesses thrive. 


    Web Design

    Web design is the key to conversions.

    People don't stay longer than a few seconds on your website if it is poorly designed because it doesn't seem trustworthy. It instead delivers the feeling that the products and services you provide might be low quality. There are steps to designing a great website and principles regarding web aspects that can boost your conversion rate, such as:

    Hick's law. This popular theory cites that the decision time of buying something is directly proportional to the number of choices and that fewer options sell better.

    Fullscreen welcome mat. This covers the screen with a call to action and makes visitors scroll down to see their choices, put a product in their chart or want to come by your business place.

    The rule of thirds. Regarding web design principles, the most important elements like prices or "start" and "sales" catch visitors' attention only if placed at strategic places of interest. 

    Treat users patiently. Pages with load times between 0 and 5 generate the highest conversions, and every additional second a potential customer spends there lowers the chances to convert them.

    Your website could benefit from embracing an innovative web design.

    When you think about changing the design of the page that represents your business, you look to your company's future. The 80s and 90s are seeing a comeback, live animation is ascending and typography is taking a leading role. Web design is dynamic, and when you think you’ve figured out how you want your site to look, a new trend pops up and makes you reconsider. 

    You might lose significant time just scrolling through web pages and fail to decide on any web style. Suppose you need to launch a start-up or refresh your webpage. In that case, specialists from the web design agency San Francisco recommend you inspire by the latest modern trends and get in touch with a web designer to tell you what would work with your brand identity. 

    At the moment, some of the most innovative design trends out there are the following:

    Typographic hero image – this allows boldness in a simple, uncluttered webpage.

    Retro revolution – it is characterised by visible table layouts and bright background colours.

    Engaging interactives – this style encourages meaningful engagement with your website, such as clicking, dragging and swapping.

    Visible borders – it creates a sense of magic and delivers the impression that the content on your website is arranged by an invisible hand.

    Neo-brutalism – this trend comes from the roots of Brutalism and encourages asymmetrical layouts, unstilled HTML, plain backgrounds and default computer fonts.

    Your webpage's design can make or break your clients' shopping experience.

    Besides how your business reflects online, there is a psychology behind excellent web design, that’s been helping CEOs to build their empires. For example, the colours of the Pepsi logo use the motif of patriotism and create feelings of thirst and temptation. Colour psychology makes McDonald's easy to spot from a distance, and makes its logo recognizable worldwide. According to the leading international authority in applied colour psychology, red triggers hunger, stimulation and appetite while it attracts your attention, and yellow delivers feelings of friendliness and happiness. Combined with the McDonald's logo, they make you want to speed up the eating process – eat, leave and come back again.

    Meaningful customer experiences can take many forms. For example, some successful strategies, like AliExpress’s one, are based on the premise that the site must show care and support the customer journey. And it's clear why embracing feedback shows trust and transparency since it's the most effective way customers increase their faith in your products.

    Other effective ways that enhance the likelihood visitors convert are personalising their experience through actions like the followings: 

    • Use personalised email campaigns
    • Make product recommendations based on previous customers' purchases
    • Create helpful content that builds your reputation as an industry leader
    • Optimise user experience by displaying the proper web design to your domain of activity.

    Key indicators show when it's time to refresh your website.

    A website refresh is similar to upgrading your apartment. There are some signs your website displays when it's time to refresh your page, and if you recognize some of the following indications, then it might be time you improved your webpage:

    - It's slow to load

    - It uses old technology

    - It shows too many plugins

    - Your users are not converting

    - Your competitors sell better

    - It doesn't fulfil Google's Core Web Vitals criteria. 

    Now that you know how impactful your website’s look is and how it can increase or decrease your profits, you can search the internet and look for web design trends. You’ll see what's in fashion now regarding web designs and figure out what would work with the identity of your brand for your next web design refresh.

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