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What is a PPC Agency - Digital Engine Land

If you have an e-commerce business, you may or may not be familiar with the term PPC or pay per click.  It is quite important for marketing campaigns due to its popularity in the online space and how effective it has been shown to be in garnering more attention for a website.  If you’re not sure how to formulate this type of technique, this may just be the article for you!

PPC is just one term you should learn.  You should probably become familiar with SEO and CRO as well – if you are looking for some reading materials on those, I certainly recommend checking out something like this:  Search engine optimization is the first step in understanding what you should be doing!

PPC Agency

PPC and How it Works

PPC is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  It is when you pay for each time someone clicks on your advertisement as it is hosted on a website.  Usually this is on a search engine, and the process can be slightly complex.  It isn’t too hard still.

You will probably want to start by doing some research on keywords.  While not incredibly exciting, it is critical to do this so that you can bid on the most profitable words and phrases.  You don’t want to choose a random selection that don’t turn out to be popular and thus don’t get traffic for your site.

Therefore, I mentioned that you should know search engine optimization at least on a basic level.  Looking at trends in user searches and knowing how consumers work can really be a benefit.  That is why there are so many professionals in this field!

For this, you will want to focus on a few things.  First, ensure that the words you choose are relevant to what you are trying to achieve.  Be this a sale or a subscription service – you want to pick things that are related to that topic.  Obviously, do not bid on something like “baby” if you are trying to sell something for an entirely different demographic.  That is what I mean by this.

Next, make sure that your choices are expansive.  To elaborate, the ideal is that the terms evolve over time as what you need changes.  It should be flexible, and you can always adjust things that aren’t working while enhancing techniques that do.

Finally, determine that your campaign is exhaustive.  A variety of phrases and words related to your product should be selected.  Rather than just one or two, have some that are short, some that are long.  Make some specific and some general.  Most importantly, pick ones that work for your needs.

If you are uncertain about this, that’s okay.  You could consider a PPC agency to help create and manage these campaigns if you have a lot on your plate.  Due to the technical nature of it all, it may be hard to undertake on your own. 

A lot goes into a PPC campaign.  You will want to do your research and figure out how to proceed once you have your concepts laid out.  The most important thing is to tailor it to your products or services.

Refining a Campaign


Of course, once you create one, you need to refine and ideally perfect it (though this can be almost impossible, it is a good goal to strive for).  This process is lengthy and on-going.  They probably will not be rigid, but rather change over time as your business changes along with the internet.

The first thing to consider here is adding words.  This is kind of a no-brainer, but I wanted to touch upon it anyway.  As you evaluate what words are working and what aren’t.  You can find some more information on how to do this here if you are curious:

Now, the words that people search that lead them to your site aren’t the only ones to add to your bidding.  You will also want to have “negative” words that will help filter out any traffic that will not benefit you.  This helps save money on consumers that could be considered a “wasted click” because they would not purchase anyway.

Finally, you will want to continue to evolve your own landing pages.  After all, the actual listings on a search engine are only the first step in the consumer journey.  The site that they end up on should be appealing and easy to use.  

There are a few ways to do this, with colorful and eye-catching banners or a pop up.  You could include something like a newsletter offer or a sale for newcomers.  However you decide to do this, you should adapt it as you adjust the keywords that you bid on for the best possible results!

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