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Three Key Automation Tips for Businesses in 2023

    If you've not received the memo, automation is set to be the defining feature of business development in the 2023s. AI and machine learning are already reaching their zenith in terms of business applications, with incredibly powerful computers working with incredibly well-designed algorithms to delve huge benefits to businesses across the world. Such AI solutions are the harbingers of an automated business future - one in which many mundane office tasks are performed by robots and machines instead of by humans. In this piece, you'll learn which automation software to engage with right away - in 2023 - to boost the fortunes of your firm. 


    HR Team

    Your HR team have had a lot on their plates in the past year. They've been largely responsible for your company's shift online, and for the employee wellbeing that you've had to keep checking in with as workers were forced to make huge changes to their lives. HR professionals have had to do all this while performing their usual duties - like running payroll - in a remote fashion. 

    So, it will come as some relief that the latest Payroll software is essentially an automated app that performs this particular job for HR teams. This is great news for your business, as it enables your HR team to concentrate on providing human internal services like care, support, and instruction. 

    Order Fulfillment

    The world of delivery and order fulfillment has been tested to its limits throughout 2020. We've seen supply chains stretch and break, delivery times extend into the weeks instead of the days, and plenty of production and manufacturing companies forced to pause production as they are waiting for parts to be shipped across the world. 

    The best firms - and Amazon stand out as the firm that defied the pandemic and rose to new levels of profits and value - operated well in the pandemic.  Why? Because they'd automate these processes to such an extent that the humans in their warehouses were following orders from the central office's software. No human is required to oversee this delivery network. Andy can use exactly this software, too, by looking to delivery automation solutions on the market today. 


    Finally, your marketing team will also have been breathing deep sighs of relief, considering how many different breakthroughs have taken place in their sector throughout the last couple of years. No longer are your workers forced to send out emails to each subscriber to your business newsletter manually - these can be sent out automatically, with an automated email that shares your latest deals, offers, and news. 

    Other automated systems include social media managers, which run off a list of backlogged tweets or posts at a certain time each day. These help your firm stay on top of social media posting without having to pay an extra staff member to monitor your SM channels constantly. The time such solutions can save your marketing team adds up incredibly fast.

    Use these three automation tips to make life easier for large swathes of your workers in 2023.

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