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Choosing an Angular Development Company. 6 Things to be Careful With

Recently, we observed how pandemic-related disruptions caused severe supply shortages, changing buying habits and even life priorities. Most B2C and B2B companies experienced major shifts in the way they respond to rising market demands, dynamic competition and business continuity. As a lasting effect of Covid-19, digitalisation proved to be much more than a passing trend. Now, more and more companies seek ways to transform their processes and remain relevant using top-ranking web development frameworks such as Angular. 

Angular Development

However, in the abundance of software outsourcing vendors businesses can enjoy today, it’s getting harder to distinguish between the good options from the make-believes. Working in Dreamix, a bespoke software development company, for more than a year has shown me the importance of digitalisation and innovation in today’s world. The rising demand for experienced and skilled Angular web developers suggests the increasing business need for such technical expertise. But how to choose the right Angular development company that will meet all your project criteria and deliver a high-quality software solution? This article might help you out.

1. Why Choose Angular Anyway? 

Angular 2 (or just Angular) is one of the most widely used web development frameworks emphasising the great importance of structure and quality. Just like its previous version, Angular remains an open-source front-end JavaScript framework, which unfolds its true potential in SPAs and web applications. There are many more, but some of the main Angular advantages are consistency, productivity, maintainability, modularity and easy error reporting and debugging. In addition to this, Angular also comes fully equipped with a light, fast and efficient codebase with external extensions. 

Another decisive advantage for Angular over other open-source frameworks, e.g. Vue.js, is that Angular is both technically and financially supported by a large community. For example, Angular counts on Google developers, and React, another widely used framework, is maintained by Facebook. These competitive advantages for the technical know-how and IT infrastructure as well as marketing are difficult to catch up with, even if other frameworks have similar features and insightful and innovative approaches.

2. Look at the Company’s Tech Focus 

Once you’ve decided that you want to outsource your software development and do your research to select the perfect Angular development company, you should ask yourself some key questions. For example, does your prospective vendor have a wide tech palette they offer? Are there a couple of technologies they’re focused on? Or, on the contrary, does the company you’re shortlisting has an extensive tech focus and will offer just about anything that sells well?

Having a really wide focus can sometimes prevent IT companies from going into the depths of innovative tech processes, especially when the team is not so big. But, on the other hand, concentrating on just a couple of technologies allows an Angular development company to position itself as an industry leader and tech expert in a certain technology. After all, in bespoke software development, much like law and medicine, the need for specialisation comes early on and is a decisive factor for one’s future career path both on individual and company levels. 

3. Experience Matters. A lot. 

Budget, scope and time - these three main criteria for a project’s success have high predictive powers that you should trust. Before you can entrust your partial or even entire software development process to a particular outsourcing vendor, evaluating their professional experience is necessary. See how they position themselves on the market, whether previous clients value working with them and what experience they can provide from similar projects.

Experience matter also because it helps you accelerate your time-to-market (TTM). A company with established and streamlined iterative development processes such as Agile methodologies will be better prepared to design, code, test and deploy your Angular web project. In the current dynamic business environment, time is really of the essence when launching new software products, optimising business processes or enhancing customer experience. 

4. First Things First: Security and Established Procedures 

Many business executives prefer it if their future tech partner can provide industry-specific certifications. Nowadays, there might be many online courses that provide practical knowledge but only a few of them come with authentic credibility, such as established industry-specific certifications from tech giants such as Oracle (OCP, OCM or OCE), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Scrum.

Not only do they provide credibility and open career doors, but they also guarantee that whoever holds an original certificate is already familiar with standard and secure practices and becomes a member of this community. In software engineering, there are also company certifications such as those from ISO that guarantee that developers follow strict protocols, documentation and processes when building a software application. After all, internationally recognised standards assure that software quality is impeccable and according to high standards, whether developers come from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or South Asia. 

5. Test Developer’s Knowledge and Approach

Angular developers need to be proficient in utilising various development tools specific to this framework, e.g. Angular IDE, WebStorm, Aptana Studio, Karma, Protractor, AngularFire and many more. You can test your future vendors’ knowledge by asking them to guide you through the different stages of Angular development while explaining in short the pros and cons of the top dev tools they use.

Also, you can ask Angular developers about MVC, MVVM architecture, SPAs and data binding. Try to hear their opinion on the trends in UI and UX, front-end development and general web application development. Finally, give them a hypothetical project-related problem or a worst-case scenario and listen carefully to the problem-solving approaches they come up with. 

6. The Value of Company Culture and Team Spirit

Despite being the last point to mention here, this is something that you don’t want to compromise with as well. Company culture is a major factor that directly impacts how employees interact with each other, how open-minded or rigid they are and how they collaborate with external stakeholders. Each company has a unique vibe, and you can easily sense whether a team spirit is authentic or not. 

That’s why each time you hesitate which company to choose and you’ve narrowed it down to two or three top-ranking vendors, let the company culture be your decisive element. Nurturing a friendly, innovative and engaging inner culture, based on mutual support, understanding and team spirit is directly correlated to employee’s performance, engagement and motivation, according to McKinsey. Because we as human beings thrive in an emotionally welcoming atmosphere, where we are appreciated for what we do best. 

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