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What can Instagram Insights Teach You About Your Business?

Instagram has more than 25 million business profiles on the app, making it an essential part of any marketing strategy. The app is solely about posting visuals and an important part of succeeding on this platform is knowing your stats. Instagram provides business accounts with analytics which is an effective tool that can teach you about your business and how to ensure its success. Instagram’s analytics gives you access to your engagement and reach as well as personal information about your followers such as their age, location, and gender demographics. If you are not following your metrics, you can lose out on great insight that can help your marketing strategy so it is important to dive deep into this information so that you can target your audience effectively. If you are new to Instagram for business, here is what Instagram insights can teach you. 

Instagram insights

Learn about follower growth rate

Your follower growth is the amount of new followers that you gain over a period of time and your follower count is the number of existing followers that you have. Your follower growth rate is determined by calculating the number of followers that you have gained and dividing that by the amount of followers you started with, times 100%. This is calculated over a specific period. There are so many ways to improve your profile’s numbers, but it takes a lot of work and time. The option with the least amount of work is hiring an expert or a growth service. With a growth service like Growthoid, you can increase the number of people who see your content and follow your account just by using their platform.  One other thing you can do is take notes of which types of content result in more followers and once you have this knowledge, you want to optimize on that specific type of content. 

Get to know your audience better 

As a business on Instagram, it is vital for you to know your audience because you need to know who you are targeting with your marketing strategy. You need to understand your customers, the type of content they respond well to, and the stuff they don’t. Understanding this will help you give them what they want in order to maximize your engagement. Instagram insights give you access to specific demographics relating to your customers such as their age, location, and gender. When you know your audience, you can easily gain more followers because you will be supplying them with content that they want to share and engage with which will result in more visibility and brand awareness. 

Learn your best timings

In your insights, you want to search for the audience section to determine which days and hours your followers are the most active and which times that you have posted, generated the most reach and impressions. Using this information and posting according to the best times according to your insights can boost your engagement. Instagram insights make it very easy to determine the most opportune time to post. 

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Learn about post data 

Finally, Instagram insights allow you to monitor the engagement you receive on your posts such as the amount of likes, comments, shares and saves. You also have access to your impressions and your reach with impressions being the amount of times your content was displayed on Instagram and reach being the number of people who have seen your content. When looking to determine which posts do the best and are well received by other users, you need to look at your engagement, so take note of how many likes you received, how many comments people left, how many times your post was saved, and how many times your followers shared your post. If a post receives high engagement, it means that your followers appreciate that post and to receive good engagement consistently, you will want to give them what they respond best to. Another form of engagement is direct messages.

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If you are a business on Instagram and you do not have a business account, you better stop what you are doing and switch to one immediately! Instagram has made it so easy for businesses and brands to understand their audience and target them with the content that they respond best to and analytics is that secret tool. Insights give your business valuable customer information and allows you to fine tune your marketing strategy to reap the most rewarding benefits. With analytics you know your audience, learn your follower growth rate, learn the best times to post, and know your post data. 

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