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3 Key Outsourcing Decisions That Could Decide The Success Of Your Business In 2022

Getting over the challenges of 2021 was far from easy, and making any progress in your small business in 2022 looks to be every bit as tough. However, the lessons learned in the last 12 months may show you that certain areas of your business will have to change if you are to survive if anything like this ever happens again.

One solution might be to outsource certain parts of your business to specialist companies, especially those areas that will have grown drastically in the last few years. Often businesses cannot keep up with this growth, and the staff assigned to these tasks are not qualified to do them, or the resources provided are inadequate to complete the task properly.


Here are three areas where outsourcing might improve your results and save you money (either directly or indirectly).

#1 Upgrade your company website

Your website is one of the first impressions of your business a customer will get. Equally importantly, it is where they are most likely to make a purchase or require more information about a service you offer. This is one area you cannot neglect, especially in the face of increased eCommerce sales in the last few years.

The products and services you offer need to be easy to find, clearly described, and easy to buy. You have very little opportunity to make an impression and very few second chances if your website is hard to get around. 

Hiring a web design team to overhaul and manage your website to make it more user-friendly, load faster, and easier to find on Google can make an awful lot of sense. 

#2 Go cloud-based and upgrade your cybersecurity

Your website, however, is only one of the many IT facets of your business that may have outgrown your ability to manage it. The reliance of yours and every other business on data and the ability to keep it safe cannot be overstressed.

Outsourcing your IT support to a company like 24x7 IT Solutions can have many benefits. Apart from being a specialist company that can help keep your data safe from cyberattacks, the move to cloud-based storage can also save a huge amount on upgrading existing hardware and increasing connectivity to a workforce that is likely to be working more remotely. However, upgrading to the cloud comes with a lot of challenges and requires to be done under an expert’s guidance. Dataknox is an ITAD company that supports the digital transformation of your assets, and their services are designed to help you migrate your entire data center successfully. They also help with old data center decommissioning and destroying your old hardware etc. in a safe manner.

#3 Hire an agency for your social media marketing

With the increasing reliance on social media to create new leads for your business, this is another that might be better left to the experts. Posting to an increasing number of social media platforms can be frustrating and take time away from concentrating on your core business.

Hiring a social media marketing agency may have the dual benefits of freeing up your time as well as giving improved results. They can do what you were doing in around a third of the time and have the tools and skills to post your content when it will be most effective and not just when you have time.

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