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Ways To Effectively Market Your Business At Exhibitions


Trade fairs and exhibitions are excellent opportunities to have face-to-face interaction with your consumers. Different trade shows, computer expos, and book fairs let you demonstrate your products and examine market trends. These expositions emerged in the period of mercantile capitalism and are now a significant component of business marketing. Trade fairs also contribute billions of dollars every year to the American economy. Let’s find out how your firm can benefit from these exhibitions.

Market Your Business At Exhibitions

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How do exhibitions benefit you?

You’ll be surprised to learn that some 13,000 exhibitions happen in the US annually. They account for 40% of trade shows that occur globally. Exhibitions are popular among Americans and Europeans. Western companies spend almost one-third of their marketing budget on trade events. These commercial exhibitions allow you to face not only potential clients but also future competitors. Trade shows benefit your business in the following ways:

1. Launch your products or reintroduce your brand. Your services remain relevant when you demonstrate them in an exhibition.

2. The brand exhibition makes you optimistic and confident regarding your marketing campaign. As exhibitions are attracting more attendants, you can hope to interact with a broader audience.

3. You receive direct awareness of your competitors’ marketing strategies. It can be done by simply visiting your rivals’ stalls.

4. Trade shows speed up the sales process of a company. You can generate better and cheaper leads from exhibitions.

5. You can rethink your strategy to approach your customers. Trade shows provide you pure feedback from your clients.

Tips for marketing at exhibitions

Many trade show display services offer marketing tips for your brand exhibition. There are many systems and options for a trade show booth Los Angeles CA presents. However, while at the exhibition, you need to leave your cubicle to research customer trends and distribute flyers. It would be best if you also organized giveaways. You need to seek an audience with visual demonstrations of your brand. Let’s find out more tips and tricks for successful promotion at a trade fair:

1. Understand the risk: Trade shows don’t benefit every industry, and there are certain risks involved. The brand exhibition doesn’t guarantee immediate lead generation. It’ll cost you time and money. Your competitors can overshadow you. Attend an array after thorough research. Find out if a particular trade show is the right place to demonstrate your product. Low display or a weak promotion strategy can hurt your market interests at an exhibition.

2. Preliminary promotion: You need to advertise the exhibition beforehand. People won’t just show up at your stall. You’ll have to announce your upcoming arrival in a said event, and there needs to be a buzz on social media regarding your presence. Use the digital tactic of email marketing to promote your presentation. Connect with your current and prospective customers. You have to guarantee attendance even before the trade show begins.

3. Make a theme for your booth: You need to attract the attention of customers by creating your theme. This theme will make you look unique among other stalls. It would be best if you were careful about maintaining this same theme throughout your marketing campaign. Research shows that people visit a dozen stalls on average. Therefore, the battle to win over the audience requires preemptive preparations.

4. Rehearse and experiment: You will attend many exhibitions every year. It’s ideal to always come up with a few variations in your marketing strategy. Try new techniques to attract more customers. But never change your theme. Rehearse your strategies beforehand with test customers. So, you can find faults in your customer-dealing tactics. You can run out of material in a real-life trade show. Therefore, you need to test your logistics as well.

5. Select staff smartly: Exhibitions mean face-to-face interactions with potential customers. You need to select your team smartly. Don’t just randomly choose anyone available at the moment. Your staff will be the face of the brand. Choose extroverted, outspoken individuals who are comfortable among strangers—select people with a captivating personality, capable of engaging your customers. Your staff needs to be gender-mixed for the convenience of everyone.

6. Seduction: People need some motivation or incentive to visit your booth. Offer them free drinks or snacks and distribute promotional pamphlets. Display a sense of generosity to attract a wider audience. Organizing a few games and competitions has always been a successful gimmick. What about free vouchers or discount coupons? An effective measure is to install an LCD in your booth. It will give the customers to stops and spend time at the stall.

7. Follow up your leads: Post-exhibition marketing follows the conclusion of a successful event. Your staff needs to follow up on potential leads after the exhibition is over. Be quick to communicate with the people; otherwise, they’ll lose interest in your services. More than 80% of traders use emails to contact their leads after the show is over. Social media also helps in this communication. Never forget to display your web address for everyone to read and memorize.


Event participation keeps your brand relevant, as we’ve explained before. Companies that fail to attend exhibitions lose brand recognition by 5%. You can introduce or relaunch a new/failed product at a trade show. You can look around at an array and even learn from your bitterest rivals. Customer engagement and post-event communication are keys to a successful marketing campaign. Many attendants have the power to buy. So, you can also meet immediate customers at a trade event. 

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