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The ways that the digital world is improving gaming


    Almost all industries have benefited dramatically from the improvement of technology. It is not just the improvements, though; the creation of completely new technologies has also seen some stunning devices and usages. 

    The gaming industry, in particular, has seen some of the most substantial growth since the implementation of these new techs. 

    Technology covers a lot more than we might think too; it’s the coding environment for game developers, the devices that we now use to play games, and the way that we have access to them. 

    Digital World

    So how has the gaming industry benefited from these new technologies? What areas can we feel and enjoy the improvements? 

    Quantum Computing 

    Starting with one of the mammoth ones that is currently in progress, we are likely to see it in its full capabilities in the future. Currently, we’d consider quantum computing to be in its infancy. It has the potential to change the face of gaming, much like recent jumps in VR and AI tech have. 

    With quantum computing, the devices will have an almost unimaginable amount of storage and power, which means that the experience of gaming would be something we haven’t seen or played before. The graphic capabilities alone would be stunning. 

    The most exciting thing about this type of technology is that with the use of AI, each gaming experience would be completely unique to the gamer. No experience would be the same. 

    The idea is something that is quite mind boggling - and yet we are moving towards that. 

    Metaverse and VR

    For a while now, VR has been accessible to anyone (relative, as it is cash dependent), but you can buy them now. VR is available across consoles, mobile phones, and PCs - as well as stand-alone units. 

    The game environment in VR is 360, which means people playing will have the most immersive gaming experience possible. The only thing we miss is the real ‘touch’ sensation, although our brains fill that in. 

    In combination with the Metaverse (which is still being explored in terms of full capabilities), people can enjoy a 360-gaming experience with others and use things like cryptocurrency to pay for items. The combination builds an almost alternate reality. 

    Mobile Gaming


    Mobile gaming changes how people play games forever. Moving away from sitting attaches to wires controllers or needing to use a keyboard. Mobile gaming meant that people could take their games with them wherever they went. 

    Although the early mobile games were things like Snake (fun and still popular now), you can play casino games, Hearthstone, Genshin Impact, League of Legends, and even COD. 

    But mobile gaming hasn’t left its moment in the sun just yet. Now we have a faster, more stable, and reliable internet. Smartphones that are designed for the optimal mobile gaming experience - check out the ROG 6D, Black Shark 5 Pro, or the Nubia Red Magic. However, there are some a lot further down the budget too. 


    Artificial Intelligence is everywhere right now. It’s writing stories, creating websites, creating pictures and photos, and it has been prevalent in the gaming industry too. When AI first hit the gaming market, it was restrictive. 

    When new technologies become available, all the moving parts need to move at once. The game developers and studio need access to funding for the R&D, then the build; consumers need access to devices that can handle it - and most importantly, it needs to be affordable. 

    AI is currently moving into the space where it is less restricted, and more gaming studios and consumers are seeing the positives and the possibility. AI gives a more interesting and immersive gaming experience because it can change how things happen on the fly. 

    It can also be used to reduce people who seem to be clocking high amounts of game times and more. 

    A personalized gaming experience would be the ultimate goal when it comes to implementing AI to its full effect, and that is enough to cause more than just a little buzz. 

    Streaming for some people might sound familiar, but Twitch might! The rebrand changed how we consumed gaming media forever. No longer did you need to watch YouTube reviews or bad streaming. You could find new releases, old classics, and gamers of all types streaming. 

    Streaming has benefited everyone. The streamers get paid, the game studio gets advertising, and the viewers are entertained - as well as being able to discover new games. 

    The biggest benefit is that it allows the players to contribute to the game development process, highlight bugs early in the development process, and give real-time feedback. Leading to the best game releases possible, interesting DLC, and even better pricing. 

    New technology has given gamers some of the most interesting gameplay, environments, and options, and that is something we will continue to see in the coming years. Quantum computing might just change the game again! 

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