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Capturing New Business Opportunities Using Big Data Analytics Services


    The amount of data in the business world has been exploding and analyzing massive data volumes, so-called big data will become a key basis of innovation, underpinning new aspects of productivity growth, and distilling true value. With the proliferation of Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and advanced technology, it is estimated that the amount of data generated by 2025 will exceed 180 zettabytes.

    Big Data Analysis

    The ever-increasing volume of information captured by businesses, the Internet of Things, and social media will fuel unparalleled growth in data in the subsequent years. 

    The intersection of corporate strategy, data science, and big data offers new avenues to create competitive advantages. With big data analytics services, companies can use data as a strategic asset, supplying them with pertinent real-time data to aid in decision-making about how to do away with inefficient operational processes, enhance customer experience, tap into new markets, etc.

    Big data is already a vital pathway for many businesses and industries to develop new products, services, and business models, and it will unquestionably continue to rise in prominence on managers' and their teams' to-do lists. The journey of big data begins with a series of curves. With a strategic approach, opportunities will appear along the way.

    Why is big data helpful for businesses?

    Applications for big data analytics assist companies, among other things, in better understanding their consumers, spotting operational problems, catching fraudulent transactions, and managing supply chains.

    Prior to the creation of big data platforms and technologies, many firms could only use a very small percentage of their data for operational and analytical purposes. 

    The remaining portion is usually ignored as "black data," which is processed, stored, but never utilized again. Thanks to excellent big data management solutions, businesses may use their data assets more efficiently.

    Being able to do this increases the range of data analytics that firms can employ and the benefit to their bottom line. Big data has increased the potential for many data science and advanced analytics domains, including machine learning, predictive analytics, data mining, streaming analytics, text mining, and others.

    Big data analytics platform helps businesses in a variety of ways, including helping them better understand their customers, identify operational issues, reduce fraudulent activities, and manage supply chains.

    If properly carried out, the final effects may include more effective marketing and advertising campaigns, improved business operations, increased revenue, decreased costs, and improved strategic planning, all of which may produce better financial results and competitive advantages over rival businesses. Furthermore, big data makes possible advancements in scientific research, smart city initiatives, law enforcement, and other governmental activities.

    The development of big data technology has made a lot of information available to enterprises. Before that, the majority of BI and analytics tools could only access structured data - such as financial records and transactional data from relational databases and data warehouses. 

    Many chunks of potentially relevant data were not utilized because they did not fit the relational paradigm.

    With big data analytics systems, it becomes easier for the processing, management, and analysis of numerous different types of data. In today's world, businesses have access to a vast amount of data, including email and customer databases, clickstream data from the internet, log files, pictures, social media posts, sensor data, and much more.

    More companies are trying to use all that data to make better business decisions and strategies. Major IT companies and business leaders were surveyed in late 2021, and the results showed that 91.7% of them were increasing their expenditure on big data projects and other data and AI initiatives, and 92.1% said their enterprises were seeing tangible commercial benefits as a result.

    However, even a lot of these blue-chip businesses are having trouble utilizing the full economic potential of their big data environments, analytics, and AI systems. 

    Only 39.7% of survey respondents claimed they were managing their data as a corporate asset, and only 26.5% said they had created a data-driven company, according to a report on the yearly poll that was published in January 2022.

    What are the key benefits of big data for businesses?

    Let us look at how big data proves beneficial for organizations in different ways: 

    • enhanced knowledge of market trends, products, and competitors; 

    • supply chain operations that are quick to adapt to problems and changing business requirements;

    • improved understanding of consumer preferences, buying habits, and attitudes;

    • more client-focused recommendation systems;

    • data-driven innovation in product development and other business operations;

    • support for a variety of analytics use cases utilizing the same amounts of data;

    • operational improvements, such as lower costs and preventative equipment maintenance;

    • ensuring that analytics and data platforms can support expanding company needs.

    Big data benefits companies on a bigger scale by generating actionable insights that enable them to carry out data-driven strategies and decision-making. It also helps businesses in spotting emerging market trends, money-saving measures, and business opportunities. 

    With big data analytics solutions, operations managers, sales representatives, employees, and other frontline professionals can get easy access to real-time information and alerts about unforeseen situations.      

    Compared to traditional data integration techniques, integrating data sets in big data contexts is likewise a crucial activity that introduces new requirements and challenges. Standard extract, convert, and load approaches might not work with big data's volume, diversity, and velocity, for example.

    As a result, data management teams frequently need to implement new integration techniques. Once data has been merged and is useful, it must be prepared for analysis, which includes steps like data discovery, cleaning, modelling, and validation. 

    To fulfil the needs of certain analytics applications, data scientists or data engineers typically prepare data in data lakes, which include data in its raw form.

    A major data collection must be standardized and used properly in accordance with corporate data standards and privacy laws for data governance to be effective. However, given diverse data sets, data governance specialists must monitor and manage challenges posed by big data. 

    Data quality management, which is often done as part of data governance operations, must also be included in big data deployments. Big data and high-quality data require novel approaches to locating and addressing issues and other quality problems.

    What are the major future trends in Big Data for your Business?

    Enterprises are increasingly implementing big data systems in the cloud, streamlining installation and maintenance by using vendor-managed platforms that provide big data as a service. 

    According to Cognilytica's Schmelzer in an article on the top big data trends, transition to the cloud enables businesses to "handle practically unlimited amounts of new data and pay for storage and computing capabilities on demand without having to run their own enormous and complex data centers."

    Listed below are the few big data trends that will dominate your business:

    • Greater data diversity, particularly as IoT device data volumes increase and more firms use edge computing to more effectively manage processing demands;

    • Expanding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in businesses for data analytics and enabling chatbots to provide better customer service through more personalized interactions; 

    • Implementation of DataOps techniques for controlling data flows and emphasizing data stewardship in order to help businesses handle difficulties related to data governance, security, and privacy.


    Concluding Note

    Considering all the above aspects, it can be concluded that Big Data helps corporate companies grow and develop continuously. Keep in mind, however, that these figures are not a magic wand that will instantly transform your company; rather, making good use of the opportunities they reveal requires time, analytics, planning, goal setting, and an understanding of KPIs. 

    Polestar Solutions offers big data services to help organizations efficiently manage the complexity of procuring, planning, and building their own platform while promising security. 

    Get in Touch with our Experts today!

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