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The Rising Cost of Textbooks: Examining the Reasons Behind the High Prices


    Books have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries. They have played a crucial role in disseminating knowledge, sharing ideas, and shaping our understanding of the world around us. For students pursuing higher education, textbooks are necessary for their academic journey. 


    However, the cost of textbooks has risen significantly in recent years, causing financial strain on students and families, and it has become a real reason for personal loan taking. The issue of expensive textbooks has become a widespread concern, with many wondering why they are so costly.

    Factors Contributing to the High Cost of Textbooks

    A large number of people are wondering why textbooks are so expensive. In this paragraph, we will try to deal with the factors that contribute to the increase in the cost of the book and the burden on the student's life. First, these factors can be divided into three main groups: publishing industry practices, production costs, and marketing costs.

    ● Publishing industry practice: Publishers often release new titles for students, making it harder for them to find used copies or resell old ones. Do not forget that publishers also like to combine textbooks with additional materials in the form of online resources, which also increases the cost of manuals several times. This makes it difficult for students to buy only the needed materials, forcing them to pay for materials they may not use.

    ● Production Costs: The printing and paper bills associated with the production of textbooks are significant. It is important to note that publishers must pay licensing fees for the use of copyrighted material such as images, graphics, etc., which usually adds to the production costs.

    ● Marketing spending: A publisher spends a fortune on promotions to create textbook demand. The distribution cost, including shipping and handling, also adds to the overall cost of textbooks. 

    Impact of High Textbook Costs

    The high cost of textbooks often causes only negative emotions in students. What can I say when it comes to buying these same textbooks? Textbooks, which cost hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars per semester, can lead to increased student loans and general financial stress

    This, in turn, can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems and negatively affect academic performance because it can limit students' access to required materials. Students who cannot afford to buy textbooks are forced to ask their classmates, borrow from the library, or do without the necessary sources. 

    This usually leads to a complete or partial misunderstanding of the material, which in turn affects the grades. Moreover, the high cost of textbooks can also reduce students' motivation to study. 

    Imagine you spent, for example, a thousand dollars, and the material you received turned out to be unnecessary and not interesting to you. This situation very often leads to disinterest in learning and poor academic performance.

    Potential Solutions

    Fortunately, several potential solutions to this problem can reduce student financial costs and improve access to needed resources.

    First, you can buy used books. They come out cheaper than new ones, so you can save a few dollars on this. The main thing is not to forget to check the condition of the textbook before you buy it: are all the pages in place, is the spine of the book in order, are there any defects that could make it difficult for you to understand the material? You can also use digital textbooks. 

    They are usually cheaper than printed ones and can be accessed through absolutely any platform, from a phone to a laptop. Another solution is to use open educational resources(OER). 

    These are freely available resources with an open licenses that anyone can use and distribute. These can be lectures, notes, textbooks, and other educational materials available on the Internet. 

    When you use OER, you cut down on your print costs while still having access to all the resources you need. Advocacy and policy changes can also effectively solve the problem of high textbook costs. 

    Student activism can raise awareness of the issue and pressure publishers to reduce prices or change their practices. Government action, such as passing laws to require publishers to disclose textbook pricing or provide more affordable options, can also help alleviate the financial burden on students. 

    Printed Book Sales Rising Again in the U.S.

    On April 22, 2022 infographic called "Printed Book Sales Rising Again in the U.S." was published by Martin Armstrong. It shows that good old-fashioned printed book unit sales have been steadily rising in the United States since having fallen quite dramatically between 2008 and 2012. 

    As our infographic shows, this recovery picked up an extra pace during the pandemic, too. According to Publishers Weekly, the 2021 increase was led by fiction titles. "The young adult fiction segment had the largest increase, with unit sales jumping 30.7%, while adult fiction sales rose 25.5%. Sales in the juvenile fiction category increased 9.6%".

    The only segment to record a decline in unit sales was juvenile nonfiction. According to the source, this was expected after 2020, and the start of Covid-19 restrictions led many parents to purchase educational books for their children. 

    Nicely indicative of the development of the pandemic in 2021, "the small travel subcategory, which was hammered in 2020, when few people traveled, had the biggest increase last year, with sales up 23%".

    The Bottom Line 

    Some students are happy not to spend such a huge amount of money on textbooks, which later may not be useful to them. The good thing is that in the age of digital technologies, you can easily go online and read the information you need free of charge or by paying much less for a digital version of a book than you would pay for a printed one. This way, you save your money and get the information you need.

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