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How (and Why) to Create an Effective Onboarding Process


    New hires are a fact of life for any company. How you handle them, and the steps you take toward integrating them into your processes and culture, can spell the difference between a smooth-running and profitable enterprise – and an inefficient revolving door of wasted money. 

    Using stats and figures plucked from business polls, this article details why you should create effective onboarding processes. Then, learn a few guiding principles for establishing effective onboarding processes. 

    Onboarding Process

    Why Does Onboarding Matter? 

    We could give you the whole spiel. We could tell you that onboarding is a golden opportunity for businesses to seamlessly integrate inflowing employees, strengthen their core beliefs and company culture, fortify organizational guidelines and responsibilities, reduce turnover, etc. 

    But why tell you when we can let the numbers speak? According to recent Gallup polls and other authoritative white papers: 

    • 69% of employees are more likely to stay at a company after three years if they received quality onboarding

    • An employee is 23% more likely to stay with a company in the short term if they received clear onboarding instructions. 

    • 23% of respondents who left their new job within six months cited a lack of clear guidelines and responsibilities. 

    • The “burden cost” of replacing an employee is roughly 50% of that employee’s annual salary. On a large scale, those costs can severely damage a company’s bottom line.  

    In other words, quality onboarding leads to higher rates of retention and engagement. Meanwhile, the alternative leads to turnover, burden costs and disorganization. 

    How to Craft an Effective Onboarding Process

    The best way to craft an effective onboarding process is to partner with professional presentation design services. An expert presentations solutions company will help you prepare engaging learning modules, webinars and multimedia resources that clearly and concisely communicate your organization’s processes and responsibilities. They work with you to understand your business’s structure, culture, and demands – and then spin that into educational material. It's a more-or-less turnkey shortcut to onboarding excellence that will save you money down the pike. 

    Still, before you approach a presentation design company, there are a few proactive steps you can take. To start, find the gaps and weaknesses in your current process. Solicit anonymous input from current employees about their experience with your company’s onboarding, asking them to identify areas for improvement. Collate these surveys, determining patterns and frequently mentioned points. 

    Next, brush up on the “Five C’s” of successful onboarding: Compliance, Clarification, Culture, Connection and Check-ups. Compliance involves bringing new employees up to speed on basic adherence to company policies. Clarification involves detailing, through engaging educational materials, the steps and protocols they must follow to complete their responsibilities. Culture and connection aim to acquaint the new hire with the company’s human side, introducing them to colleagues, mentors and shared philosophies. Finally, check-ups are an ongoing part of onboarding that seeks to determine just how well those other four C’s are sinking in. 

    If you can spot your weaknesses, nail the five C’s, and collaborate with an expert presentation design service to breathe life into your onboarding insights, you will create something potent. You will launch an onboarding process that lowers turnover, increases engagement and drives long-term profits. 

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