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Data Backup Readiness – Vital Guideline for Businesses

The need for data backup has been a point of concern for businesses since the beginning of time, metaphorically speaking. The first known instance of data backups being prepared was way back in 1980 by IBM. Their solution was rather simple - keeping all data on floppy disks stored at different locations off-site. This means if a natural disaster or any other event happened to their main location, there would be backup copies elsewhere, and operations could continue without any problems. 

Data backup readiness

Data backups have come a long way since then. Nowadays, they consist of backing up your work files and personal information such as family photos, financial documents, and even passwords on multiple devices, including PCs, Macs, and mobile phones. In this article, we will be discussing the importance of having a data backup plan in place for your business. Use salesforce data backup and recovery for best results. 

The need is there, but why?

49% of companies with no data backup plans have suffered the irrecoverable loss of their information due to an event within their company. Computer viruses are one of the biggest dangers when it comes to losing crucial data. They often come through email attachments, downloads, or infected USBs and software that employees might not even notice running on their computers until it's too late. In this case, a good backup plan will not only help you recover from a virus or malware attack but also avoid falling victim in the first place.

The most common reasons for system failure include

Hardware/Software Failure

More than 80% of hardware failures are caused by problems that can be avoided with a proper data backup and recovery plan. If your computer suddenly stops working, you lose all the work you've done since your last effective backup, and there's nothing you can do about it. 

Human Error

This is why human error falls under the most common cause for system failure. Sometimes we're just careless, and we don't realize we're causing damage to our systems till they stop working (or start working worse than usual). All the more reason to have automated data backups running in the background so employees won't forget to make their copies of files before proceeding with any changes.

  • Natural Disasters: As stated earlier, floods and fires can happen anywhere and anytime. They might not happen frequently, but you can't afford to lose all your data in it when they do.

  • Malicious Attacks: Employees may often become the source of a security attack either because they're negligent or because someone with bad intentions told them something that made them click on a link or download an attachment in an email that's posing as official. The bottom line is this constitutes human error too and has the same consequences, especially if employees don't realize what happened until after the damage was done.

The solution is there; where do we start?

According to PC World, "50% of small businesses go out of business within six months after a disaster" and "90% never reopen". Why is that? It's because they didn't prepare for such events to happen. Even if you read this article afterward, it's still not too late to start your business data backup plans as soon as possible.

Today there are more ways than ever before to keep all of your important information backed up and secure, so you don't have to worry about losing them in case something bad happens: 

Cloud Services provide the most effective way of accessing stored data from any device with an Internet connection – no need to create local backups on computers or external storage devices. They're affordable, and you only pay what you use, making them perfect for small businesses on a budget.

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